The rules applying to the long-awaited UK Listing Regime reforms were published on 11 July 2024. As noted above, these will come into effect on 29 July 2024. While the substantive changes to the new UK Listing Rules ("UKLR") primarily relate to IPOs, significant transactions, related party transactions and the role of the sponsor, there will be an impact on all companies listed on the Official List as a result of the changes in terminology and to the numbering to the existing listing rules.
The substantive changes include:
(i) Replacement of premium and standard listing categories with a single segment: The premium and standard listing categories are removed and replaced with a new single segment called the equity shares (commercial companies) ("ESCC") category. With a number of other new listing categories being created, the FCA has been in touch with issuers over the last couple of months to confirm the new listing category to which they are to be mapped.
(ii) Relaxation of requirements for significant transactions: The concept of a "Class 2" transaction has been removed and "Class 1" transactions are now called "significant transactions", with the requirement to seek shareholder consent and publish a circular replaced with a disclosure-based regime. The timing and content of the required announcements was modified in the final version of the UKLR, which now allow for a three-stage announcement (once the terms of the significant transaction are agreed, once further information is available and once the transaction has completed). In addition, the final version of the UKLR removed the requirement for historical financial information on the target company or business to be included in an announcement relating to an acquisition, which had previously been included in the draft UKLR (historical financial information is still required for a disposal).
(iii) Relaxation of requirements for related party transactions: As well as replacing a shareholder vote to approve a related party transaction with a disclosure-based regime, and an amendment to the threshold at which a substantial shareholder becomes a related party from 10% to 20%, the duplication between the UKLR and the Disclosure Guidance and Transparency Rules has been removed.
(iv) Amendment of Class Tests: The "profits test" has been removed as one of the Class Tests.
(v) Key persons contact details: A new requirement to provide the FCA with up-to-date contact details for at least two of its executive directors or, if there are no executive directors, at least two directors by 29 January 2025.
(vi) Controlling shareholder agreements: In a change from the previous proposals, the FCA has removed the requirement for a controlling shareholder agreement in the final version of the UKLR.
A more detailed summary of the changes is available in our client note.
In light of the above, all listed companies should:
- Ensure all references to the previous Listing Rules are updated in both internal and external documents and on any website to reflect the new UKLR references (e.g. do not just replicate old AGM posting or results announcements or director appointment announcements as the numbers of the previous Listing Rules will have changed).
- Ensure there are no references to a "premium listing" (now an "ESCC listing"), "Class 1" or "Class 2" transactions (Class 1 transactions are now "significant transactions", and the concept of Class 2 transactions has been removed) or "LR" (which is now "UKLR") in any documents or on any website (e.g. Board reserved matters, committee terms of reference and the MAR manual often contain these terms).
- Allow additional time when preparing the next Annual Report given the changes to the rule references and for any extra checking that might be needed.
- Update Related Party and Significant Transactions policies (these policies will probably need a significant overhaul as there have been a number of rule changes in these areas).
- When next appointing new directors, ensure that an up-to-date directors' duties memorandum is given to the new director reflecting the new requirements of the UKLR.
- Consider which directors' contact details should be provided to the FCA in order to comply with the new requirement to provide key persons' contact details by 29 January 2025.
The FCA's PMB 48 also contains helpful guidance in respect of the update of technical notes and the FCA's knowledge base.
We also await the FCA's consultation on its proposals in relation to the new prospectus regime. The FCA is aiming to consult on proposals (including draft rules) in Q3 2024 and, subject to consultation responses and final approval, seeks to make final rules in 2025.