The FCA's new listing rules took effect on 29 July 2024. This followed detailed proposals in the FCA's consultation paper: Primary Markets Effectiveness Review: Detailed Proposals ("CP23") which was published in December 2023. The entirely new "UK Listing Rules" ("UKLR") Sourcebook represents a complete overhaul of the current UK listing regime and includes wide-ranging changes for both sponsors and listed companies.
Key features of the new regime
- Single segment for commercial companies with equity share listing
The previous two-tier listing regime, comprising of premium and standard listing segments, has been replaced by the new single category of UK listings of equity shares in commercial companies ("ESCC"). For premium-listed companies, this listing category represents a relaxation of the rules under which they currently operate, but it is a step up in regime for those currently standard-listed.
The main changes (as compared to a premium listing) include the following:
- No 3 year track record or clean working capital requirements
In line with its general approach of moving towards a more disclosure-based regime, the FCA has removed its long-standing requirements for a three-year track record, historical financial statements and a "clean" or unqualified working capital statement. The FCA expects that disclosure in relation to financial information will continue to be required in the prospectus, including specific provisions for issuers with complex financial histories and requirements for working capital statements.
- Removal of prior shareholder approval for significant transactions
The prior shareholder vote and circular which were required for premium-listed companies to enter into class 1 transactions have been removed, again in favour of a disclosure-based regime. This removal is an important change, making it easier for listed companies to engage in competitive M&A. The FCA has introduced a disclosure framework requiring information at the current "class 1" threshold (25%) which mirrors much of the current class 1 circular content (for example, a statement that the transaction is, in the board's opinion, in the best interests of the shareholders; risk factors; material contracts; no significant change and the effect of the transaction on the group's earnings and assets and liabilities – but no requirement for a working capital statement or a sponsor declaration), save in the case of an acquisition by the listed company where no historical financial information on the target is required. Target financial information or, if not available, an explanation of how the price was agreed, is required for a disposal but not for an acquisition. The announcement also needs to contain an additional statement that the board considers the consideration to be fair. There is now a two-stage process for announcements where there is a conditional contract, with the first announcement to be released as soon as possible after the terms of a significant transaction are agreed, and the second (more detailed) announcement to be released once the prescribed information has become available and, in any event, by no later than the completion of the transaction. Once the transaction has completed, a further announcement is required.
A class 1 transaction (i.e. one where the percentage ratio is 25% or more in any of the class tests) has been renamed a "significant transaction", and the profits test has been removed from the class tests.
The FCA has provided new guidance on how "ordinary course of business" activities will not be caught by the significant transaction requirements – this includes regular trading activities; commercial arrangements; purchases a company has undertaken as part of the existing business or within the industry sector; capital expenditure to support and maintain the existing business and its infrastructure; and capital expenditure to add scale or in line with the company's business strategy.
A sponsor is not required for a significant transaction but issuers must appoint a sponsor if seeking FCA guidance/rulings on significant transactions and may still seek sponsor guidance in a non-sponsor service capacity.
It is important to note that a shareholder vote is still required for a reverse takeover and there is no "ordinary course" carveout in this regard.
- No class 2 notification
An announcement is longer required under the Listing Rules for what is currently a class 2 transaction and this class of transaction no longer exists; however, companies will of course still have to consider what they need to announce in order to comply with their obligations under MAR.
- Less onerous regime for related party transactions
Under the new rules, there is no requirement for a shareholder vote to approve a related party transaction ("RPT"). Going forward, the requirements for a company entering into an RPT meeting the 5% threshold on class tests are:
- board approval of the transaction; and
- announcement of the transaction, which contains a statement by the board that the transaction is "fair and reasonable" and that it has obtained written confirmation from a sponsor that the transaction is "fair and reasonable".
The FCA has increased the threshold at which a substantial shareholder becomes a related party from 10% to 20%.
For RPTs under the 5% threshold, the requirements for an announcement and a "fair and reasonable" opinion have been removed.
In a change from the original proposals, the FCA has removed the requirement for a controlling shareholder agreement. However, it has retained a requirement for independence from any controlling shareholder and included amended guidance on factors indicating non-independence. The rules include a new mechanism for directors to give an opinion on a shareholder resolution put forward by a controlling shareholder when the director considers that the resolution is intended or appears to be intended to circumvent the proper application of the listing rules.
- More flexible approach to dual class share structures (DCSS)
The FCA has introduced a more permissive approach to dual class share structures, with the following features:
- Most notably, there is no longer a time-related sunset requirement to limit the exercisability of enhanced voting rights (except in the case of institutional investors – see below), although the FCA expects that the negotiation process at IPO may still often result in time-based sunset clauses.
- Enhanced voting rights shares can be issued not only to directors but also to other limited categories of "natural persons" and institutional investors. For institutional investors, there is a 10 year sunset period.
- There is no limit on the maximum enhanced voting ratio.
- There is a much wider list of situations where enhanced voting rights can be exercised – please see the FCA's table illustrating the use of enhanced voting rights shares in ESCC.
- Changes to the sponsor regime
The role on IPO is largely unchanged, although sponsors no longer have to assess whether an applicant meets the historical financial information, three-year financial track record or clean working capital statement requirements (as these eligibility requirements have been removed – please see above). Post-IPO the sponsor's role is more targeted – sponsors are required for:
- significant further issues
- related party transactions: fair and reasonable opinions; and
- reverse takeovers.
Beyond this, a sponsor is not required for significant transactions, although the FCA notes that issuers can still look to sponsors for guidance in a non-sponsor service capacity. Sponsors are required for companies moving between the categories of listing.
Changes have already been made to the rules on sponsor competence in order to reflect impact of low levels of market activity and are unsurprising given the reshaping of the sponsor role. The three-year time frame for submitting a sponsor declaration to the FCA has been extended to five years and there is now the ability to demonstrate competence through experience gained from providing certain corporate finance advisory services.
- SPACS and shell companies
Key changes include the following:
- There is a new listing category for SPACs and shell companies: the "shell companies" category – this is based on the old Listing Rule 14 (but with some modifications) and limited to shell companies actively pursuing a strategy of acquisition or whose assets consist solely or predominantly of cash or short-dated securities.
- Requirement for sponsor – the sponsor regime has been introduced to this category: as SPACs and shells are currently standard listed, they do not require a sponsor under the existing regime.
- The initial transaction completed by such a company requires board approval but the proposed requirement for shareholder approval was dropped.
- Other listing categories
There is a new "secondary listing" category for non-UK companies with a primary listing overseas. For further details of all the new listing categories, please see here.
- Changes to Listing Principles
There is now one set of Listing Principles. The previous Premium Listing Principles have been extended to all listed companies and a couple of them (the Principles stating that (i) all shares in a class must carry an equal number of votes and (ii) the voting rights of each class should be proportionate to the relevant interests of that class) have been reframed as rules. There is now additional guidance to support the Listing Principles, including in relation to the importance of the role of directors.
The FCA has somewhat controversially added a new element to the listing regime: a board declaration on IPO. As part of the application process, a company's board would be required to provide confirmation that the company has appropriate systems and controls and the company's record-keeping arrangements enable it to comply with any requests from the FCA in order to comply with its ongoing obligations under the Listing Rules and the Listing Principles.
- Companies in financial difficulties
The FCA's softened position means that reconstructions and refinancing transactions no longer require a shareholder circular and working capital statement. The FCA acknowledges that the requirements are not needed given the existing requirements of company and insolvency legislation as well as MAR obligations.
What has been retained?
Some elements of the current premium listing regime have been retained, albeit they appear in different places of the new UKLR Sourcebook.
- Market capitalisation and free float requirements – The requirements for a minimum market capitalisation of £30m and a "free float" requirement of at least 10% of the company's issued share capital, which have applied to both premium and standard listed companies, have been retained.
- Rules on pre-emption rights and buybacks – The existing Listing Rules that control the discount at which further shares can be offered when they are not issued on a pre-emptive basis have been extended to all listed companies. The rules relating to share buy-backs have also been retained, although a sponsor is no longer required for a buyback circular.
- Shareholder approval for cancellation of listing and reverse takeovers – The rules protecting shareholders from the cancellation of a listing in the absence of a takeover offer or approval by 75% of shareholders remain.
- UK Corporate Governance Code – The Listing Rules relating to the Code have been retained and extended to all commercial companies.
Mapping arrangements
Premium listed companies have been "mapped" over to the ESCC. Standard listed companies have been mapped to a new "transition category", which is closed to new applicants. Therefore, if the company were to enter into a reverse takeover and needed to list again, it could not do so in this category. There is currently no end date for this category but the FCA will keep it under review and may seek to wind it down in the medium term if it is considered no longer necessary.