Pensions Disputes

The successful resolution of pensions disputes requires expertise in the complex technical rules which apply to pension schemes.

Pensions Disputes


Our team has a deep understanding of how schemes operate in practice and specialist litigation expertise and experience.

LiabilityManagementGovernance & AdministrationOutsourcing,Data protection &CommercialContractsTaxInvestmentCorporateActivityDisputesFunding, Security& RestructuringDe-risking & Insured SolutionsDiversity &InclusionHR PensionsAdvice to trustees, employers and related parties on all areas of work.

Our dedicated Pensions Dispute Resolution Group leads tailored teams that draw on our full service capabilities, led by our Pensions and Dispute Resolutions lawyers, to help clients achieve their objectives as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.  Our lawyers have acted on some of the industry's best-known contentious matters, including Lehman, Maxwell, Coloroll, Bradstock, KPMG v Aon, ITN v Ward and Stena Line v MNRPF.

We regularly assist clients in connection with regulatory actions initiated by the Pensions Regulator and act for trustees, employers and representative beneficiaries in connection with applications for court directions or declarations in relation to pension scheme documents.  We also act in connection with a variety of disputes with a pensions aspect, including professional negligence claims against administrators and other advisers, and disputes in relation to pension fund investments.  All our pensions specialists are experienced in advising trustees and employers in connection with complaints brought by members under scheme internal dispute resolution procedures or to the Pensions Ombudsman.

Industry appointments

We participate in a wide range of pensions industry groups. See our full list of industry appointments

Work examples

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