Peter Hughes

Peter Hughes


Peter is a partner in our Finance Group, specialising in derivatives and structured products, and restructuring and insolvency. He represents a wide spectrum of clients.

Insolvency and restructuring expertise

Peter's practice has a particular focus on pension covenant issues. He specialises in high-profile insolvencies and restructurings and is widely recognised as a 'go to adviser' for the trustees of some of the largest pension schemes in the UK.

Investment and structured products expertise

On the investment side, Peter advises pension schemes, investment funds, corporates and financial institutions in relation to investment and structured products, and in particular on derivatives, collateral and credit support, bespoke transactions to hedge exposures (including insurance-wrapped longevity hedging), and funding structures. 

Industry recognition

Peter is an active member of R3 and INSOL, both of which are associations for insolvency, restructuring, advisory, and turnaround professionals. He is a member of the Association of Pension Lawyers where he chairs the Finance and Security Sub-Committee.

Peter regularly speaks at conferences having previously participated in the Fund Finance Association's European Fund Finance Symposium, the National Association of Pension Funds’ Investments Conference and the Bulk Annuities and Longevity Swaps Member Interest Group. Peter is an annual contributor to Global Legal Insights - Fund Finance, co-authoring a chapter on Derivatives at the Fund Level.

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