John Franssen

John Franssen

Head of Research

John joined Travers Smith in 2014 as Head of Research.

He heads up a team that is responsible for: 

  • strategy related to the provision of information to all legal and business sectors

  • legal, client and sector research

  • current awareness provision

  • resource evaluation, procurement & management

  • training on subscription databases

  • monitoring and disseminating knowledge, information & technology trends

  • research services for alumni.

John is a member of the Travers Smith Brexit Working Group, CSR Committee and Knowledge Management Group. Since joining Travers Smith John has also volunteered, as part of the Travers Smith Reading Scheme, as a reader at Bangabandhu Primary School in Bethnal Green. 

John has been a British and Irish Association of Law Librarians (BIALL) Council member and past Chair of the BIALL Web Committee where he helped set up a new website for the Association.

John has also presented sessions on English case law at City University and the Bodleian Law Library to new entrants to law librarianship. John has a MA in Information Management and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Leaders Network.

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