James is a knowledge counsel in our Finance Department. He advises finance lawyers and clients on developments in law and practice, delivers bespoke legal training, prepares standard form manuals and precedents (including automated templates), and writes for external publications.
James has written a range of client publications on loan finance, restructuring and Brexit. He has contributed chapters to cross-border databases on acquisition finance. He has written various "In Practice" articles in the Journal of International Banking and Financial Law (JIBFL) and Corporate Rescue and Insolvency. In 2023 he co-authored a chapter on private equity restructurings.
James is an active participant in the cross-firm Finance KL Group and a member of the KL Advisory board for JIBFL. He has a maîtrise in French law from the University of Paris I: Panthéon-Sorbonne and an LLB in English and French law from King's College London.