Anne Tanney

Anne Tanney

Knowledge Counsel

Anne is a knowledge counsel in the Finance Group, specialising in Derivatives & Structured Products.

Anne spent several years as a transactional lawyer in securitisation and structured finance and in an advisory role covering derivatives and bank regulation. In 2003 she became a professional support lawyer and has since been involved in all legal aspects of bank regulation and capital markets, concentrating on how changes in law affect transactions in credit - including securitisation, structured finance and derivatives.

She has met with regulators (chiefly the EBA, ESMA and the PRA) both in the UK and in Europe during consultations on a range of draft legislation and technical standards and has drafted response papers on behalf of clients and industry groups. Her expertise includes the Capital Requirements Regulation, EMIR/UKMIR, the Financial Collateral Arrangements Regulations, the Securitisation Regulation, Solvency II and the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive.

She supports the Derivatives and Structured Products practice with analysis of the effect of legal and regulatory developments on structuring transactions, documentation and legal opinions, and providing training.

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