Inclusive thinking. Better outcomes.

Inclusive thinking. Better outcomes.

Pension schemes achieve better results by embracing diversity & inclusion. We are thought leaders in diversity & inclusion for pensions.


There is robust and extensive evidence showing that teams which are both more diverse and more inclusive make better decisions and achieve better financial outcomes.


LiabilityManagementGovernance & AdministrationOutsourcing,Data protection &CommercialContractsTaxInvestmentCorporateActivityDisputesFunding, Security& RestructuringDe-risking & Insured SolutionsDiversity &InclusionHR PensionsAdvice to trustees, employers and related parties on all areas of work.

The pensions industry is starting to realise the value of diversity and inclusion in pension scheme trustee boards and beyond in order to support the best possible member outcomes.

At a time when trustee decision making, for both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes, is under more scrutiny than ever before, ensuring boards and committees are diverse and inclusive could give trustees an extra layer of reassurance that they are fit to meet the challenges their schemes face.

There is no ‘one-size-fits-all’ solution to diversity issues, but our experts can work with you to discuss how best to achieve greater D&I and the advantages of doing so for all pension scheme stakeholders.

Some of our networks

Amongst our people we undertake extensive work to support better outcomes on D&I in a range of different areas, including:

  • Member of the Network Group for the All Party Parliamentary Group on Global LGBT+ Rights.
  • Member of the PLSA’s Diversity External Advisory Board.
  • Founding members of the newly-established pensions industry LGBTQ+ network group, O:pen.
  • Chairing the SPP Council’s sub-committee on Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Members of the Pensions Regulator’s (TPR) D&I Working Group and co-chairing the Standards/Best practice/Board composition sub-group.
  • The highest-ranked private practice lawyer in OUTstanding’s 2020 worldwide 100 LGBT+ Executives list, having been featured in the list for a fifth consecutive year.
  • Founding member of The Alliance, an LGBTQ+ executive network convened by McKinsey.

About our practice

At Travers Smith we value the fact that each one of us is different. Gender, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and faith contribute to this diversity, as does background, education, working style and family or care responsibilities. We’re committed to leveraging these differences to achieve better results and so better serve our clients and communities. We’re also convinced that creating an inclusive environment where all our people feel valued and able to bring their differences to work every day creates a more stimulating and rewarding environment in which to work. This is reflected in Travers Smith being ranked 12th in Stonewall’s Top 100 Employers list in 2020, as well as being rated a Top Trans Employer. 

Members of our Pensions team provide pro bono legal advice for a range of charities which champion in the Diversity and Inclusion sector, including Stonewall, Series Q and Colours Cayman, as well as supporting several charities, with a particular interest in youth work and sitting on the board of young person's homelessness charity City YMCA London, consulting for Brighter Futures Zambia, an education and social development project for children affected by AIDS/HIV in Southern Africa, as well as being a chair of trustee of Just Like Us (an LGBT+ charity for young people) and, more recently, being appointed to LGBTQI charity GiveOut's Board of Trustees. We also devised and co-launched a mentoring programme with Just Like Us, which we have been co-running for the past five years. The programme provides LGBTQ+ students and graduates with skills and support as they transition into employment. The team played a central role in the establishment of Refugees at Home, which provided nearly 185,000 nights of free accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers since its establishment in 2015. We continue to provide extensive pro bono legal advice and serve on the board.

Several of our team joined the Pensions Regulator's EDI Industry Working Group and we co-chaired the Standards, Best practice, and Board composition sub-group. We were instrumental in shaping the overall policy approach, and contributed to much of the published guidance. This built on our work co-authoring the PLSA Diversity and Inclusion Made Simple Guide and our role in setting up O:pen – the new Pensions industry network for LGBTQ+ professionals and their allies.  


Multi-award winning practice

The Travers Smith Pensions Sector Practice won the Diversity Award at the Pensions Age Awards 2021, being the only law firm shortlisted for the award, the inaugural Diversity and Inclusion Excellence Award at the UK Pensions Awards 2021, 2020 and 2018 as well as being highly commended in 2019. In recent years, the lawyers in our Pensions Sector Practice have also won numerous other awards, including the UK Pensions Awards, Pension Lawyers of the Year award, the Halsbury Legal Awards Law in the Community/Pro Bono Award, the Law Works Pro Bono Award for Best Contribution by a Firm with a London Head Office, and the British Legal Awards CSR Initiative of the Year award.

"As a firm they welcome diversity of thought from across their teams. Straight talking, thoughtful and open. An inclusive approach, empowering LGBT+ leaders."
The Legal 500, 2022

Diversity and Inclusion Made Simple

Our guide, published by the PLSA primarily for pension scheme trustees, introduces some of the concepts and good practice associated with diversity and inclusion.

Diversity and Inclusion Made Simple

What makes an effective ally?

Our BAME allyship booklet outlines and explores the necessary steps to becoming an effective ally.

Myths about diversity and inclusion in the pensions sector

Some common misconceptions still prevail. All pension scheme stakeholders can benefit from a change in approach towards D&I.


Read more about Travers Smith's approach to diversity and creating an inclusive workplace.

Drawing on diversity to drive better decisions

At a time when trustee decision making, for both defined benefit and defined contribution schemes, is under more public and regulatory scrutiny than ever before, ensuring boards and committees are diverse and inclusive could give trustees an extra layer of reassurance that they are fit to meet the challenges their schemes face.

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Chris Edwards
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