A note from our managing partner, Edmund Reed
Our commitment to responsible business and sustainability is a core value of Travers Smith. Now, more than ever, the firm is using our resources to engage with young people and disadvantaged communities, to build meaningful charity partnerships and to use our skills to help effect positive social impact.
Along with providing financial aid to charities via our own Foundation, each two years we identify, and work with, a principal charity partner. Our current partner is The Felix Project, a London-based food surplus redistribution charity. The charity conducts invaluable work in helping redistribute unused and unwanted food to those most in need including children, the elderly and people living in areas of high deprivation. Their work has always been of critical importance, but the ongoing cost of living crisis is meaning an increasing number of people are now experiencing food poverty. They need all the support we can each give.
Since 2020, we have supported The Felix Project by making financial donations, by volunteering at food depots and also by providing pro bono services.