Multiple default consolidators
For some time, the Conservative Government has looked for solutions to the ongoing issue of members accumulating small deferred DC pension pots across multiple pension arrangements. The solution it settled on was "multiple default consolidators". A Small Pots Delivery Group will provide recommendations on how best to implement this.
This solution involves members' eligible deferred small pots being transferred automatically to a consolidator scheme by default, unless the member opts out. For these purposes, a pot is considered small if it is worth less than £1,000 and deferred if no contributions have been paid into it for 12 months. Subject to further review by the industry delivery group (see below), a deferred small pot will be eligible for transfer if it was created since the introduction of auto-enrolment and is held within an auto-enrolment charge capped default fund. Those wishing to act as consolidator schemes will need to apply voluntarily for authorisation and meet certain minimum criteria (which are yet to be fully decided).
A central clearing house will be set up to match and allocate eligible pots as well as lead on communications with members and schemes. The allocation process currently proposed is that if the member with a deferred small pot is already a member of an authorised consolidator, that would be the scheme to which the transfer is made. Otherwise, a 'carousel' allocation approach would apply where each consolidator is provided with an equal number of deferred small pots for members falling into this category. If the member has pots with more than one of the default consolidators, the transfer would be to the one that holds the member's largest pot.
The Government has set up an industry delivery group to take these proposals forward with a view to providing proposals for ministerial consideration in "late 2024". The General Election subsequently intervened but there has been no indication that a Labour Government would wish to reopen decisions already taken.
Lifetime provider
For the longer term, the Conservative Government said that it would be exploring a "lifetime provider" (also known as "pot for life") approach. This aims to limit the creation of new pots in the first place. Employers would pay contributions to a scheme of which the worker is already a member but an exemption would apply if the employer provides a better pension offering. The Government issued a call for evidence on the "lifetime provider" model and next steps are awaited.
Read more in WHiP Issue 106.