A regular briefing for the alternative asset management industry.
Earlier this year, the EU introduced a new regulatory regime – the Foreign Subsidies Regulation, or FSR – to address distortive foreign subsidies granted by non-EU states to companies active in the EU. That means that many large M&A deals will now face a new screening process: qualifying deals signed from 12 July 2023 that are due to close after 12 October must be notified to, and approved by, the European Commission before closing.
As we highlighted in March, while the regime's objective is laudable, the rules are widely drawn and could catch many deals where there is, in fact, no distortive subsidy. In addition, there were significant concerns about the detailed financial information that alternative asset managers would have to collect from across their portfolio.
There has been some good news over the summer: in response to significant push-back, including from Invest Europe (with whom we worked), the European Commission has significantly alleviated the reporting burden in its finalised Implementing Regulation. One concession is specifically focused on private equity deals, allowing firms to report only on the specific acquiring fund (rather than other funds under common management) if certain conditions are met.
Although that is good news, it is important to note that the final Implementing Regulation – laying down procedures rather than substantive rules – does not change the design of the underlying filing thresholds. It is still the case that deals where the target has revenues of at least €500 million in the EU will need to be pre-notified where the acquiror and target groups (combined) have received at least €50 million in "financial contributions" from non-EU states in the preceding three years.
In addition, the concept of "financial contributions" remains broadly defined: as confirmed in the Commission's Q&A, it is not limited to foreign subsidies granted on non-market terms. It can capture dealings with private entities associated with governments, not just public sector contracts. Sovereign wealth funds are clearly in scope, but also potentially other government-aligned private investors and entities entrusted with a public goal, such as state pension funds.
However, if a deal is captured, and an FSR notification is required, the final rules could make a material difference from a data gathering standpoint, including for alternative asset managers with multiple funds under management.
At the heart of the problem for private capital firms is that the FSR applies a group-wide concept to calculating the notification thresholds. "Financial contributions" made to one portfolio company could trigger an obligation to file all qualifying EU deals going forward – even if the specific acquiring fund had no interest in that portfolio company.
While a filing obligation could still be triggered on that basis, firms now need only disclose financial contributions received by the acquiring fund and its portfolio – provided certain conditions are met. These conditions will not always be present, so it will be important for firms to assess, for each fund and in relation to any large deal, whether they can benefit from the more limited reporting. For example, to be eligible for the exemption, the acquiring fund cannot share a majority of the same investors with any of the firm's other funds, plus the acquiring fund's transactions with the firm's other funds need to be non-existent or limited – including at a portfolio company level.
There has been some good news over the summer: in response to significant push-back, including from Invest Europe (with whom we worked), the European Commission has significantly alleviated the reporting burden.