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Travers Smith wins at Real Deals ESG Awards 2024  


Travers Smith LLP is delighted to have been named 'Legal Adviser of the Year' at The Real Deals ESG Awards 2024.

The 'Legal Adviser of the Year' Award recognises Travers Smith's market-leading expertise in advising the private equity community on sustainability and ESG. 

Travers Smith was one of the first UK law firms to establish an ESG practice and provide dedicated ESG legal services to private capital managers. With an unparalleled private capital client base, and a multi-disciplinary ESG and Impact team, the firm advises on all aspects of sustainability law and regulation.  

Heather Gagen, Head of ESG and Impact commented: 
"We are delighted to have won this award, which reflects the track-record of our ESG & Impact Group in advising our clients on how to pursue their sustainability ambitions innovatively against the backdrop of a fast-moving regulatory landscape.  We look forward to continuing to support our clients' future successes in this area."

Recent highlights include:

  • Advising market leaders on the design launch and subscription of over 150 funds marketed in the EU and classified under the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulations (EU SFDR).
  • Acting as a leading contributor to the work of industry associations, notably Invest Europe in Brussels and the BVCA in the UK, on ESG and sustainable finance.
  • Co-authoring the Invest Europe guide to SFDR and the EU Taxonomy.
  • Supporting PRI-supported Initiative Climate International (iCI), the leading private equity organisation promoting action on climate change, and VentureESG, by giving regular updates on ESG developments in Europe.  
  • Leading sustainable finance workshops for the PEI responsible Investment Forum, the longest-running private equity forum focused on bringing together stakeholders to discuss ESG issues.
  • Drafting a key clause for the PE industry: a management rachet focused on achievement of ESG goals (Bella's Clause), as a member of the Chancery Lane Project, an organisation dedicated to producing open source climate aligned clauses for contracts.
  • Launching our innovative ESG and Sustainable Finance Academy, an internal training programme developed with academic from the Oxford Saïd Business School, to embed a deeper understanding of how ESG and sustainability issues affect our client's businesses.
  • Offering a Sustainable Business Hub and  range of online services including our widely acclaimed ESG timeline that catalogues recent and expected UK and EU legal and regulatory ESG developments. 

Key contacts

Read Heather Gagen Profile
Heather  Gagen
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