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Travers Smith dispute resolution partner recognised in The Lawyer magazine's Hot 100


Travers Smith LLP is delighted to announce that its dispute resolution partner Caroline Edwards has been recognised in The Lawyer magazine's 2017 Hot 100, an annual publication which celebrates extraordinary lawyers based in the UK who have completed ground-breaking work in the last year.

Caroline Edwards, Partner, Travers Smith

Last year was one of the busiest in Caroline Edwards’ career, with not one but four high profile cases being heard in the English courts.

In one of the first cases to be heard in the new Financial List, Edwards acted for Taberna European Capital in a novel summary judgment application that is due to go trial in 2017.

She also led on the industry’s leading judgment on market standard financial contracts, as her client Lehman Brothers International became embroiled in a dispute with a contractual counterparty following its administration in 2008.

A member of Travers’ international board, Edwards is one of four partners responsible for maintaining its relationships with firms in over 100 jurisdictions. The role has added yet another string to her bow, with the litigation star continuing to shine on disputes in a range of areas. Her work on concession licences disagreements and cartel damages cases both attracted substantial attention last year.

Source: The Lawyer Hot 100 2017

View the full Hot 100 list on The Lawyer website.

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