These requirements come into force on 1 February 2023. They apply to all FCA authorised firms, previously passported EEA firms with temporary permissions and Gibraltar-based firms.
The scope of the new rules is not consistent for each requirement, for example, some apply only to firms approving financial promotions for third parties, whereas others also apply to all firms which communicate financial promotions (whether for themselves or on behalf of third parties). We have summarised the scope of each requirement below. Where a requirement applies to firms which approve or communicate financial promotions on behalf of third parties, there is no exemption for firms which do so for affiliates.
The new requirements include:
Competence and expertise
Scope: this requirement applies to all firms which communicate or approve financial promotions.
A firm must not communicate or approve a financial promotion unless the individual responsible for the compliance of the financial promotion with the relevant rules has appropriate competence and expertise in the type of investment or service to which the promotion relates. If a firm lacks appropriate competence and expertise it can have another FCA authorised firm with the relevant expertise confirm compliance with those aspects on its behalf.
This requirement reflects a particular concern of the FCA that firms may be communicating or approving financial promotions in respect of asset classes or for client profiles for which they do not have appropriate expertise. Firms will need to consider whether they have all appropriate expertise and address any gaps. It may be an issue, for example, for a UK firm which approves or communicates promotions on behalf of an overseas affiliate where the expertise in relation to the relevant asset class sits in the affiliate.
Ongoing monitoring
Scope: this requirement applies to all firms which approve financial promotions for communication by unauthorised persons.
Firms approving financial promotions will be required to play a more active role in ensuring promotions remain compliant during the lifetime of the promotion: their responsibility does not end after the initial approval. The new obligations include:
- an ongoing monitoring requirement;
- as part of this requirement, where the promotion is issued by an unauthorised person the firm is required to obtain a written attestation from the unauthorised entity at least every three months. The attestation is required to confirm that there has been no material change both to the promotion and to circumstances which might affect its ongoing compliance with the financial promotion rules.
Firms will need to implement a process for tracking promotions after their approval and applying the ongoing monitoring and attestation requirements during the life of the promotion.
Conflict of interest obligations
Scope: this requirement applies to all firms which approve financial promotions for communication by unauthorised persons and to firms which confirm the compliance of financial promotions (see "Competence and expertise" above).
Firms are required to take all appropriate steps to identify, prevent and manage conflicts of interest between the firm (and related persons) and any person for whom the firm approves, or confirms the compliance of, a financial promotion.
Including name of approver and date of approval
Scope: this requirement applies to all firms which communicate or approve non-exempt financial promotions for retail clients.
Each financial promotion approved or communicated by a firm must include not only the name of the firm (as now), but also the date on which it was approved and, if relevant, the name of the firm which has confirmed the compliance of the financial promotion (see "Competence and expertise" above).
There are provisions which address how this information should be provided if the format of the promotion is such that this information cannot reasonably be provided (for example, if the promotion is in digital form, such as a mobile application).
The FCA has also issued Guidance addressing these requirements.