The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is consulting on guidance that would require mid-contract price rises in consumer contracts to be more prominently stated in telecoms advertising. As we explain below, this may also be of interest to other B2C businesses outside the telecoms sector.
What's the concern?
The ASA is concerned that telecoms businesses promoting broadband and/or mobile services are focusing heavily on promoting an attractive initial price (usually monthly) without making it sufficiently clear that these prices are not guaranteed to last or may only last for a relatively short period. This has led to consumers feeling that they have been misled, particularly in cases where the initial price ends up increasing quite quickly and/or by a significant amount. In this context, misleading information includes not only the information contained in the advertisement, but also material information that has been omitted. The ASA is particularly concerned about these practices given the current high inflation and the cost of living crisis.