This article was written December 2021, updated October 2023.
Travers Smith fast facts:
Name: Lora Abagero
University: University of Warwick
Degree and subject: LLB Law
Current department: Corporate – Private Equity and Financial Sponsors
This article was written December 2021, updated October 2023.
Name: Lora Abagero
University: University of Warwick
Degree and subject: LLB Law
Current department: Corporate – Private Equity and Financial Sponsors
"I was drawn to Travers Smith because of the people. From the moment I started, I was supported and made to feel that I was a valued member of the team. I was also attracted by the unique room-sharing system, which helps you develop relationships with senior lawyers and accelerates your learning. Travers Smith has an excellent reputation for providing high-quality training, and its small trainee intake ensures you get to know your cohort on a personal level quickly.
I enjoy the variety of work I am exposed to; no two days are the same. In general, my day begins with checking my emails and writing a to-do list. As a trainee, you are often responsible for managing the data room, which contains key documentation relating to a transaction. When I am doing corporate support work, I am responsible for preparing the relevant sections of the due diligence report. While sitting in the Commercial department, I was responsible for preparing contract summaries which set out the key terms of material customer and supplier contract. In the Real Estate department, I prepared lease summaries. I may get asked to carry out some research on a legal point of contention, which involves utilising primary and secondary legislation and key texts to inform my findings. I might also be asked to prepare an article to post on the Firm's website. You learn something new with each new project.
I also regularly attend trainee training run by the Learning and Development team. These sessions aim to provide the practical and soft skills necessary for the legal profession, from amending clauses to free drafting. I find I am regularly applying the legal research skills I developed during my degree.
The Firm's culture is inclusive, and individuals at all levels are friendly and approachable. When I first started my training contract, I worked remotely due to lockdown, which was quite an adjustment. My team were very supportive and organised regular room calls and informal catch-ups to keep in contact. I also knew that I could always pick up the phone if I were ever unsure of anything.
Pro bono work is highly valued at Travers Smith and is actively encouraged at all levels. As a trainee, I have assisted with the drafting of various legal documents for pro bono clients. I am also involved in running this year's PRIME scheme, an initiative designed to boost social mobility in the legal profession involving AS-Level students from local London schools. The aim is to give students a glimpse into life at a law Firm by organising a series of talks about our practice areas and setting legal tasks. It is important to give back to the community and it is a rewarding experience.