Following the gilts crisis in autumn 2022, the Regulator published new guidance in April 2023 setting out how the Regulator expects trustees to manage LDI strategies (the "LDI Guidance"). See our previous briefing on the LDI Guidance here.
Many trustees (in conjunction with their advisers) have since revisited their LDI strategies to align with the LDI Guidance, considering in particular what liquid assets will be available to meet collateral requirements and the sufficiency of their collateral buffers, and have updated their LDI documentation accordingly.
There is considerable overlap between the new Scheme Return questions on LDI and the requirements of the LDI Guidance. The Regulator will therefore be able to use Scheme Return information to assess the extent to which trustees are in fact taking account of its guidance.
Trustees who have not reviewed their LDI strategies, documentation and governance processes in light of the LDI guidance may find answering some of the new Scheme Return questions more challenging. Reviewing certain areas before 31 March may enable Scheme Return questions to be answered in a way that better aligns with the Regulator's LDI Guidance.
The new questions (which only need to be completed by schemes using leveraged LDI) include the following:
There are additional technical details to be considered in relation to these questions beyond those noted above, where investment expertise may be needed. Our Pensions Sector Group is also on hand to help you consider whether any relevant LDI documentation might need to be updated, for the purpose of the Scheme Return or to ensure compliance with the LDI Guidance.