Many businesses in the scope of the UK's Energy Saving Opportunities Scheme ("ESOS") will, having submitted their ESOS notification to the Environment Agency, now have put this reporting obligation to the back of their mind until phase 4 in around three years' time. However phase 3 of ESOS brought some important changes, one of which will keep ESOS on the agenda on an at-least-annual basis for the foreseeable future.
Whereas ESOS has until this point been a relatively light reporting obligation, albeit backed by an energy audit with associated time and cost burdens, the introduction of a requirement for businesses to draft and implement an "ESOS action plan" changes the nature of the obligation significantly. The Government's intention behind requiring businesses to audit their energy use was in broad terms to encourage the voluntary adoption of energy efficiency and energy reduction measures by giving those businesses full sight of energy usage and therefore cost. The ESOS Action plan will crystallise that intention.