The European Commission issued, on 13 June 2023, a Sustainable Finance Package with a number of additional ESG measures including:
- A new Environmental Delegated Act including the technical screening criteria for the remaining four environmental objectives under the EU Taxonomy Regulation;
- Amendments to the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act introducing technical screening criteria covering additional economic activities for the climate change mitigation and adaptation objectives under the EU Taxonomy Regulation;
- Proposal for a Regulation on ESG rating activities; and
- Commission Notice with guidance on the EU Taxonomy Regulation
We discuss each of these measures in further detail below.
The Sustainable Finance Package also includes a staff working document with some commentary on the current state of the EU's sustainable finance measures and a recommendation with practical suggestions for firms wishing to obtain or provide transition finance.
There is no slowdown in the EU's sustainable finance project and the commentary from the Commission makes it clear that it sees its rules as something to be continually revised and updated as the ESG market develops. In particular, it can be expected that there will be regular updates to the Taxonomy Delegated Acts, including further economic activities added to the technical screening criteria, and an FAQ document on taxonomy alignment reporting obligations for financial undertakings is due by the end of 2023. In addition, a consultation on the Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) is scheduled for Autumn 2023 and changes to the SFDR RTS are also being currently consulted on. The Commission also published, on 9 June 2023, further draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards as discussed in our briefing.
The Commission is also aware of practical challenges and usability issues, particularly with the EU Taxonomy, and is keen to provide as much assistance as possible to ensure that the sustainable finance agenda is a success. For example, it has committed to providing regular clarifications and guidance and has also launched online tools including a EU Taxonomy Navigator website. This website incorporates the EU Taxonomy Compass (first introduced in June 2021) and includes an EU Taxonomy Calculator (a step-by-step guide to the reporting obligations set out in the EU Disclosures Delegated Act), an FAQs repository (an overview of questions and answers on the EU Taxonomy and its delegated legislation) and an EU Taxonomy User Guide (for non-experts).
These initiatives mean that EU sustainable finance regulation will continue to develop in layers. With them will come yet further developments to existing measures and new, amended and more detailed questions and answers, all of which in turn will supplement the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Taxonomy Regulation themselves. Those firms looking to orientate themselves towards the next key European developments beyond these current initiatives, should focus on the Commission's forthcoming comprehensive assessment of the SFDR: consultation on this is expected in the autumn.