ESG timeline for the hospitality sector

Last updated: November 2022

ESG timeline for the hospitality sector


The ESG agenda presents a broad spectrum of both risk and opportunity for the hospitality sector. Investors face a raft of new market disclosure obligations, developers must respond to rapid changes in building standards and hotel owners and operators themselves must balance increasingly stringent requirements on energy use, carbon reporting and workforce diversity as well as engaging clients with ever-higher expectations of ethical performance. And all of this in the midst of the most challenging trading conditions in decades.

To help your business to meet these challenges, the Energy & Environment Alliance (EEA), pioneering ESG thought leadership within the hospitality sector, has partnered with Travers Smith on this timeline of expected ESG-related developments across the UK and the EU in the coming years, specifically targeted at businesses involved in the sector.

Travers Smith has a market-leading reputation for ESG advice as well as expertise in the hospitality sector. There is also a generic version of our ESG timeline, along with a collection of articles, podcasts and videos on ESG topics, on our ESG knowledge page. For more information or advice on ESG matters, do get in touch with any member of the team.


Let us know if you have any comments or questions via our online form.

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This ESG timeline is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or any other type of professional advice. Travers Smith does not accept and, to the extent permitted by law, excludes, liability to any person for any loss which may arise from relying upon, or otherwise using the information contained in, the timeline, including, for these purposes, any material created or maintained by a third party to which reference is made or a link is included in the timeline.

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Read John Buttanshaw Profile
John Buttanshaw
Read Rachel Woodburn Profile
Rachel Woodburn
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