
Our ESG timeline sets out recent and expected UK and EU legal and regulatory developments relating to ESG and wider sustainable business topics. The timeline can be filtered according to your business type or the relevant ESG theme.

The timeline will be maintained. The last major update was in February 2025. For a comprehensive overview, view our ESG Timeline Archive from 2021, 2022, and 2023.

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Timeline by business type

Note on filters: The filters select the key obligations which are specifically relevant for that business category but additional obligations may apply to a particular business based on its size, structure or activities. For example, some of the obligations listed under Larger Businesses may be relevant to other business types, such as Listed Companies, depending on business size.

  • Non-financial reporting requirements under consideration


    As well as looking at potential options for refreshing and rationalising the current framework on non-financial reporting requirements, the review will also consider the size thresholds in the Companies Act 2006, which principally derive from EU legislation. Further to a call for evidence published in May 2023, the Government aims to develop detailed proposals for consultation in 2024.

    In scope: All companies under the scope of the Companies Act 2006

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Environmental Taxonomy Delegated Act applies

    The Environmental Taxonomy Delegated Act introduces the technical screening criteria relevant for determining whether the relevant economic activity contributes substantially to one of the four remaining environmental objectives under the EU Taxonomy Regulation (Water and Marine Resources, Circular Economy, Pollution Prevention and Biodiversity and Ecosystems) and whether the activity causes no significant harm to the other objectives.  

    In scope: Financial markets participants, issuers of financial products and large public interest entities


    • Climate change, environment and resources
    • Sustainable finance and ESG reporting
  • First application of ISSB sustainability standards

    Companies may voluntarily apply the ISSB's first sustainability standards, IFRS S1 and S2 to make investor-facing sustainability disclosures on a voluntary basis (until mandated by regulation).

    In scope: All business organisations

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Changes to the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act apply

    Delegated Regulation amending the technical screening criteria for the environmental objectives of climate change mitigation and adaptation applies.

    In scope: Financial markets participants, issuers of financial products and large public interest entities


    • Climate change, environment and resources
    • Sustainable finance and ESG reporting
  • EU Taxonomy Regulation – Delegated Regulation specifying content and presentation of Article 8 - additional disclosures applies

    EU Taxonomy Regulation – Additional requirements under Delegated Regulation specifying content and presentation of information to be disclosed under Article 8 applies.

    In scope: Large financial public interest entities

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources

  • Start of first reporting period under CSRD for PIEs

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to large EU Public Interest Entities ("PIEs"); sustainability reporting in 2025 for FY beginning on or after 01-01 2024.

    In scope: PIEs and any entities already covered by the Non-Financial Reporting Directive 

    Qualifying conditions: Number of employees: ≥500

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Guidance for pension trustees on social factors

    The Taskforce on Social Factors, set up by the Government, published a guide on Considering Social Factors in Pension Scheme Investments.

    In scope: Pension trustees

  • General Code of Practice for occupational pension schemes

    The Pensions Regulator's General Code of Practice is in force and includes new content on scheme governance, broadening existing internal controls requirements to require occupational pension schemes to "establish and operate an effective system of governance including internal controls", which must be "proportionate to the size, nature, scale and complexity of the activities of the occupational pension scheme".

    In scope: Pension scheme trustees with 100 or more members in their scheme

  • UK Biodiversity Net Gain requirement applies to new small developments in the UK

    The UK's Environment Act 2021 will require all new small real estate developments to deliver a 10% 'biodiversity net gain' from April 2024, which will effectively become a requirement of its planning permission. This can be delivered through on-site or off-site measures, buying statutory credits or a combination.

    Small sites are defined as follows:
    (i) for residential schemes: one to nine dwellings on a site of less than one hectare, or where the number of dwellings is unknown, a site area of less than 0.5 hectares.

    (ii) for commercial sites, a scheme of under 1,000 square metres OR where the site area is less than one hectare.

    In scope: All businesses developing real estate in the UK

    Theme: Built Environment

  • FCA's anti-greenwashing rules apply

    FCA's anti-greenwashing rules and associated guidance come into effect.

    In scope: FCA authorised firms

  • Expected publication of first sector-specific and non-EU reporting standards under CSRD

    June 2024

    Original deadline for publication of first sector-specific reporting standards under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - subsequently delayed by 2 years.

    In scope:

    • Listed companies which are public interest entities ("PIEs");
    • Larger non-listed companies (ie. any non-listed company which is not an SME under the Accounting Directive);
    • Listed SMEs (except micro-enterprises);
    • Some financial institutions;
    • Non-EU companies with significant turnover in the EU.

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Extended deadline for Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Audit notification of compliance

    The UK's Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme requires businesses to periodically audit their energy use and identify (and cost) potential energy savings by 5 December 2023, extended to 5 June 2024 and with a further enforcement stay to 6 August 2024.

    In Scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources

  • Additional deadline for FCA ESG disclosures for asset managers and owners

    Additional deadline for UK-authorised asset managers with in-scope assets ≥£5bn and asset owners with In-scope assets between £5bn and £25bn to make climate-related financial disclosures consistent with TCFD Recommendations.  

    In Scope: Additional UK-authorised asset managers and asset owners.

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Deadline for EU Member States to transpose CSRD into national law

    Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

    In scope:
    Listed companies which are public interest entities ("PIEs");
    Larger non-listed companies (ie. any non-listed company which is not an SME under the Accounting Directive);
    Listed SMEs (except micro-enterprises);
    Some financial institutions;
    Non-EU companies with significant turnover in the EU.

  • FCA ESG labels become available

    Sustainability labels as set out in the FCA rules become available for products that invest in accordance with a sustainability objective. Associated disclosure and distribution requirements start to apply.

    In scope: UK fund managers and distributors

  • Final date by which ESOS notification of compliance may be filed

    The Environment Agency stay of enforcement in respect of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme phase 3 notification of compliance expires

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • New duty to prevent workplace sexual harassment in force

    The UK Government has introduced a positive duty on employers to prevent workplace sexual harassment, including harassment of staff by third parties.

    In scope: All businesses

  • Possible application of new regulatory framework for Heat Networks

    The UK Government is currently consulting on a market framework for the regulation of heat networks, including general authorisations, zoning and other protections. This is intended to increase the development and up-take of heat networks.

    In scope: All businesses developing real estate in the UK

    Theme: Built environment

  • Loan Market Association published draft provisions for Green Loans

    The LMA launched draft provisions for Green Loans – standardised riders (optimised for insertion into a loan agreement) where green loans are to be advanced as part of a facility.

    In scope: Lenders

  • Deadline for transposition by EU member states of EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wage

    The EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wage establishes procedures for the adequacy of statutory minimum wages, promotes collective bargaining on wage setting and improves protections for workers who are entitled to a minimum wage under national law

    In scope: All business organisations operating in the EU

    Theme: People

  • ESMA guidelines on fund names

    ESMA guidelines on the use of ESG or sustainability-related terms in funds' names start to apply.  Transitional period for existing funds until 21 May 2025.

    In scope: EU fund managers

  • FCA naming and marketing rules

    Naming and marketing rules (with associated disclosure requirements) as set out in the FCA rules start to apply in relation to non-labelled products with ESG terms.

    In scope: UK fund managers and distributors

  • Original deadline for filing ESOS action plan (extended)

    First ESOS Action Plan, describing energy efficiency measures planned for implementation during the year, to be registered in the MESOS registry – deadline was extended.

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • Parker ethnic diversity target for FTSE 250 in force

    Parker ethnic diversity target for FTSE 250: The target date for companies to meet the Parker Review aim of there being at least one director of colour from a minority ethnic background on each FTSE 250 board by 2024. Listed companies now required to state whether they have met this requirement, by UKLR6.6.6(9).

    In scope: Listed companies – FTSE 250

    Theme: People

  • Financial Services Diversity Framework


    The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has consulted on a proposed new regulatory framework on diversity and inclusion in the financial sector. Non-financial misconduct will be incorporated into the FCA's Conduct Rules, and such misconduct will be expressly relevant for assessments of fitness and propriety for certified staff and regulatory references. Large firms will also be required to set diversity targets and report annually on certain diversity and inclusion matters.

    In scope: FCA-regulated firms in the financial sector. 

  • Start of first reporting period under CSRD for large EU companies

    01 January 2025 

    Application of CSRD to large EU companies; sustainability reporting in 2026 for FY beginning on or after 01-01-2025

    In scope:

    • Large companies not previously covered by the Non-financial Reporting Directive (ie. any company which is not an SME under the Accounting Directive)

    • In each case, satisfying at least two of the three size criteria

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover of ≥EUR 50m
    • Balance sheet of ≥EUR25m
    • ≥250 employees

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • UK's Future Buildings Standard implemented


    The Future Buildings Standard, which will set out more stringent efficiency standards, to ensure that new non-domestic buildings are zero carbon ready from 2025, is expected to be implemented at some point in 2025 (precise date to be confirmed) for all new non-domestic developments.

    In scope: All businesses developing real estate in the UK

    Theme: Built environment

  • Energy Performance Certificates to be harmonised across EU


    Energy Performance Certificates to be harmonised across the EU, and trigger to obtain a certificate to be extended to include major renovations (in addition to sales and leases).

    In scope: All businesses operating in the EU

    Qualifying condition: Turnover greater than or equal to EUR 150m in the EU

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources,

    Built environment

  • Revised UK Corporate Governance Code

    2025 and 2026

    Revised UK Corporate Governance Code and new accompanying guidance to take effect for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025, save that the new provision requiring an annual board declaration on the company's risk management and internal control framework will apply for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2026. See our briefing previous briefing for details of the proposed changes.  

    In scope: Companies with a listing on the equity shares (commercial companies) category ("ESCC") of the Official List.

  • Extended deadline for filing ESOS action plan

    Extended deadline by which companies' first ESOS Action Plan, describing energy efficiency measures planned for implementation during the year, must be registered in the MESOS registry

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • Expected date of consultation on UK adoption of ISSB standards

    Quarter 1 2025

    UK Government plans to launch a consultation on adopting ISSB sustainability standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 as UK sustainability reporting standards.

    In scope: All business organisations

  • European Commission to publish list of countries or regions classified as "low" or "high" risk for the purposes of determining the level of due diligence obligations that apply under the Deforestation Regulation.

    Entities placing certain products (raw materials including wood, coffee and soya, as well as finished products such as chocolate and tyres) on the EU market will need to prove that they have conducted appropriate due diligence to ensure that products are "deforestation-free" and produced in compliance with the laws of the country of origin.

    In scope: "Operators" first placing products on the market and "traders" making products available on the market.

    Qualifying conditions:

    • None, although there will be lighter and later obligations for SMEs
  • Failure to prevent fraud – new offence comes into effect under ECCTA

    The new strict liability offence of failing to prevent fraud comes into effect in the UK, under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023. See our briefing for more details on what is "fraud" for these purposes, who is in scope and how to establish a defence.

    Businesses should note that the new offence sits alongside and overlaps with the existing offence of failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion (on which further information can be found here). In relation to tax, it is therefore advisable to ensure that policies and procedures cover both offences and are regularly reviewed. 

    In scope: Large organisations as defined in s201 of ECCTA

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to >£36m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to >£18m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to >250
  • Additional FCA entity-level disclosure requirements start to apply

    Entity-level disclosures including a public report on approach to sustainability-related risks and opportunities.

    In scope: UK fund managers with AUM of £50 billion or more. 

  • Additional FCA on demand information requirements start to apply

    On demand product-level sustainability information requests become available.

    In scope: UK fund managers 

  • First update to ESOS Action Plan to be filed

    First annual update to the phase 3 action plan to be filed in the MESOS registry.

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • Board diversity voluntary target

    FTSE Women Leaders report of 2022 recommends that by end of 2025:

    • FTSE 350 boards and leadership teams to have at least 40% women's representation and
    • FTSE 350 companies to have at least one women in the Chair, Senior Independent Director role and/or CEO or FD role. This is now reflected in UKLR6.6.6R(9) which requires a statement in the annual financial report on whether the company has met the targets.

    In scope: Listed companies: FTSE 350

    Theme: People

  • Earliest possible date for introduction of ISSB reporting for UK listed companies

    FCA may introduce mandatory reporting by listed companies in accordance with UK sustainability reporting standards based on ISSB standards, for financial years beginning on or after this date.

    In scope: Listed companies

  • Equality reporting requirements


    Large employers will be required to report on ethnicity and disability pay gaps. Large employers will also be required to produce an equality action plan setting out the steps they are taking to reduce their gender pay gap and how they support employees through the menopause.

    In scope: Employers with 250 or more employees.

  • Zero Hours / Casual Worker Contracts


    Zero hours and minimum hours workers will have a new right to be offered a regular hours contract if their working hours regularly exceed the zero/ minimum hour level over a set reference period. There will also be a right to reasonable notice of shifts and compensation if shifts are cancelled or curtailed.

    In scope: All organisations employing workers on zero / minimum hour contracts.

  • Artificial Intelligence – the EU's AI Act


    The European Parliament has approved an AI Act to harmonise AI rules across the EU, which covers AI systems used by employers in the EU. Most of the provisions of the Act are expected to come into force in 2026.

  • Start of first reporting period under CSRD for listed SMEs

    Application of CSRD to listed SMEs; sustainability reporting in 2027 for FY beginning on or after 01 January 2026 but can optionally be postponed for 2 years.

    In scope: Listed SMEs (except micro-enterprises)

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • New rules aimed at combatting tax avoidance by umbrella companies

    Agencies or end clients to be made responsible for operating PAYE on workers provided through umbrella companies. TBC but probably through ITEPA and PAYE regulations.

    In scope: All business organisations

  • Pay equality and transparency

    The EU Directive on equal pay and pay transparency introduces various measures to improve equal pay enforcement and transparency. EU member states are required to implement the Directive by 7 June 2026.

    Under the Directive, employers in EU member states with at least 250 employees will be required to publish gender pay gap information annually, and employers with at least 150 employees (dropping to 100 employees from 2030) will have to publish information every 3 years. The Directive also introduces measures relating to pay transparency in recruitment and promotion.

    In scope: Organisations with at least 150 employees

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Number of employees greater than or equal to:
      • 150 (for reporting every three years)
      • 250 (annual reporting)
  • EU board gender diversity requirements apply

    At least 40% of non-executive directors (or 33% of all directors) on the boards of large EU incorporated listed entities to be women, by 30 June 2026.

    Applies where both employee threshold and one of the financial thresholds are met.

    In scope: Large listed companies

    Qualifying condition:

    • Turnover ≥ EUR50m
    • Balance sheet or assets ≥ EUR43m
    • Number of employees ≥250

    Theme: People

  • EU Deforestation Regulation requirements apply to micro and small companies (amended deadline)

    EU Deforestation Regulation applies to micro and small companies – those meeting 2 of the 3 thresholds for turnover, balance sheet or employees (deadline extended from 30 June 2025).

    In scope: Large listed companies

    Qualifying condition:

    • Turnover ≤ EUR10m
    • Balance sheet or assets ≤ EUR5m
    • Number of employees 50
  • EU Regulation on ESG rating activities to apply

    EU Regulation on ESG rating activities to apply with rules on the activities of ESG ratings providers.

    In scope: ESG ratings providers operating in the EU and certain financial entities which disclose ESG ratings in marketing communications.

  • First energy audit requirements apply under the revised EU Energy Efficiency Directive

    EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2023/1791 revises the energy audit requirement (equivalent to UK ESOS) and introduces a requirement for an energy action plan which must be published in the annual report. The new requirements will be prescribed by national Member State law.

    In scope: Businesses with average annual consumption of 10TJ or more over the previous 3 years with operations in EU Member States

  • Additional FCA entity-level disclosure requirements apply

    Entity-level disclosures including a public report on approach to sustainability related risks and opportunities.

    In scope: UK fund managers with AUM between £5 billion and £50 billion.

  • All rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band C, where cost-effective

    01 January 2027 (TBC)

    Regulations expected to be introduced to provide that all rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band C, where cost-effective. This may involve introducing a performance-based rating scheme for large commercial and industrial buildings to provide investors and their tenants with more information on how to reduce energy consumption and lower both carbon emissions and energy bills.

    In scope: All business organisations

  • EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive starts to apply to certain EU and non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive imposing ESG due diligence requirements on certain EU and non-EU companies

    In scope:

    • "Group 1": Certain of the largest EU companies and groups;

    • "Group 2": Certain of the largest non-EU  companies with turnover  in the EU 

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Group 1
      • Net worldwide turnover greater than EUR 1.5bn
      • Number of employees greater than 5000
    • Group 2
      • Net turnover in EU greater than EUR 1.5bn
      • Number of employees greater than - Group 2: N/A
  • Introduction of EU ban on products made with forced labour

    Businesses placing or making available products on the EU market must ensure they are not made with forced labour. They must be able to demonstrate to competent authorities on request that they have taken appropriate steps to identify, prevent, mitigate or bring to an end the risk of forced labour in their operations and value chain, via due diligence.

    In scope: Economic operators placing or making products available on the EU market

  • Parker ethnic diversity target for senior management of FTSE 350 companies

    The 2023 update report to the Parker review recommends that FTSE 350 companies set a percentage target for senior management positions (for this purpose, members of the executive committee and senior managers who report directly to them) that will be occupied by ethnic minority executives in December 2027.

    In scope: FTSE 350 companies

  • Application of CSRD to non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to non-EU companies; sustainability reporting in 2029 for FY beginning on or after 01-01-2028.

    In scope: Non-EU companies with significant turnover in the EU

    Qualifying condition: Turnover greater than or equal to EUR 150m in the EU

  • Start of application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive to next group of EU and non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive imposing ESG due diligence requirements on certain EU and non-EU companies.

    In scope:

    • "Group 1": Certain very large EU companies/ groups.

    • "Group 2": Certain very large non-EU companies/ groups 

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Group 1:
      • Net worldwide turnover greater than or equal to EUR 900m
      • Number of employees greater than 3000
    • Group 2:
      • Net turnover in the EU greater than or equal EUR 900m
  • Start of application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive to remaining EU and non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive imposing ESG due diligence requirements on certain EU and non-EU companies.

    In scope:

    • "Group 1": Certain very large EU companies/ groups.

    • "Group 2": Certain very large non-EU companies/ groups 

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Group 1
      • Net worldwide turnover greater than or equal to EUR 450m
      • Number of employees greater than 1000
    • Group 2:
      • Net turnover in the EU greater than or equal EUR 450m
  • All rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band B, where cost-effective

    01 January 2030 (TBC)

    Regulations expected to be introduced to provide that all rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band B, where cost-effective. This may involve introducing a performance-based rating scheme for large commercial and industrial buildings to provide investors and their tenants with more information on how to reduce energy consumption and lower both carbon emissions and energy bills.

    In scope: All business organisations

    Theme: Built environment

  • Energy Performance of Buildings Directive to require new buildings to be zero emission

    EU Commission's proposed revisions to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) intend to require all new buildings to be zero-emission as of 2030.

    In scope: All business organisations developing real estate in the EU

  • UK Government to introduce due diligence requirements to prevent forests and natural areas from being converted illegally into agricultural land


    UK Government to amend the Environment Act to introduce due diligence requirements for larger businesses to prevent forests and natural areas from being converted illegally into agricultural land.

    In scope: Larger businesses (based on turnover test to be confirmed) – subject to de minimis threshold for volume of commodity used

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources 

Timeline by ESG theme

  • Non-financial reporting requirements under consideration


    As well as looking at potential options for refreshing and rationalising the current framework on non-financial reporting requirements, the review will also consider the size thresholds in the Companies Act 2006, which principally derive from EU legislation. Further to a call for evidence published in May 2023, the Government aims to develop detailed proposals for consultation in 2024.

    In scope: All companies under the scope of the Companies Act 2006

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Environmental Taxonomy Delegated Act applies

    The Environmental Taxonomy Delegated Act introduces the technical screening criteria relevant for determining whether the relevant economic activity contributes substantially to one of the four remaining environmental objectives under the EU Taxonomy Regulation (Water and Marine Resources, Circular Economy, Pollution Prevention and Biodiversity and Ecosystems) and whether the activity causes no significant harm to the other objectives.  

    In scope: Financial markets participants, issuers of financial products and large public interest entities


    • Climate change, environment and resources
    • Sustainable finance and ESG reporting
  • First application of ISSB sustainability standards

    Companies may voluntarily apply the ISSB's first sustainability standards, IFRS S1 and S2 to make investor-facing sustainability disclosures on a voluntary basis (until mandated by regulation).

    In scope: All business organisations

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Changes to the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act apply

    Delegated Regulation amending the technical screening criteria for the environmental objectives of climate change mitigation and adaptation applies.

    In scope: Financial markets participants, issuers of financial products and large public interest entities


    • Climate change, environment and resources
    • Sustainable finance and ESG reporting
  • EU Taxonomy Regulation – Delegated Regulation specifying content and presentation of Article 8 - additional disclosures applies

    EU Taxonomy Regulation – Additional requirements under Delegated Regulation specifying content and presentation of information to be disclosed under Article 8 applies.

    In scope: Large financial public interest entities

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources

  • Start of first reporting period under CSRD for PIEs

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to large EU Public Interest Entities ("PIEs"); sustainability reporting in 2025 for FY beginning on or after 01-01 2024.

    In scope: PIEs and any entities already covered by the Non-Financial Reporting Directive 

    Qualifying conditions: Number of employees: ≥500

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Guidance for pension trustees on social factors

    The Taskforce on Social Factors, set up by the Government, published a guide on Considering Social Factors in Pension Scheme Investments.

    In scope: Pension trustees

  • General Code of Practice for occupational pension schemes

    The Pensions Regulator's General Code of Practice is in force and includes new content on scheme governance, broadening existing internal controls requirements to require occupational pension schemes to "establish and operate an effective system of governance including internal controls", which must be "proportionate to the size, nature, scale and complexity of the activities of the occupational pension scheme".

    In scope: Pension scheme trustees with 100 or more members in their scheme

  • UK Biodiversity Net Gain requirement applies to new small developments in the UK

    The UK's Environment Act 2021 will require all new small real estate developments to deliver a 10% 'biodiversity net gain' from April 2024, which will effectively become a requirement of its planning permission. This can be delivered through on-site or off-site measures, buying statutory credits or a combination.

    Small sites are defined as follows:
    (i) for residential schemes: one to nine dwellings on a site of less than one hectare, or where the number of dwellings is unknown, a site area of less than 0.5 hectares.

    (ii) for commercial sites, a scheme of under 1,000 square metres OR where the site area is less than one hectare.

    In scope: All businesses developing real estate in the UK

    Theme: Built Environment

  • FCA's anti-greenwashing rules apply

    FCA's anti-greenwashing rules and associated guidance come into effect.

    In scope: FCA authorised firms

  • Expected publication of first sector-specific and non-EU reporting standards under CSRD

    June 2024

    Original deadline for publication of first sector-specific reporting standards under the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - subsequently delayed by 2 years.

    In scope:

    • Listed companies which are public interest entities ("PIEs");
    • Larger non-listed companies (ie. any non-listed company which is not an SME under the Accounting Directive);
    • Listed SMEs (except micro-enterprises);
    • Some financial institutions;
    • Non-EU companies with significant turnover in the EU.

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Extended deadline for Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme (ESOS) Audit notification of compliance

    The UK's Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme requires businesses to periodically audit their energy use and identify (and cost) potential energy savings by 5 December 2023, extended to 5 June 2024 and with a further enforcement stay to 6 August 2024.

    In Scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources

  • Additional deadline for FCA ESG disclosures for asset managers and owners

    Additional deadline for UK-authorised asset managers with in-scope assets ≥£5bn and asset owners with In-scope assets between £5bn and £25bn to make climate-related financial disclosures consistent with TCFD Recommendations. 

    In Scope: Additional UK-authorised asset managers and asset owners

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • Deadline for EU Member States to transpose CSRD into national law

    Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.

    In scope: 
    Listed companies which are public interest entities ("PIEs");
    Larger non-listed companies (ie. any non-listed company which is not an SME under the Accounting Directive);
    Listed SMEs (except micro-enterprises);
    Some financial institutions;
    Non-EU companies with significant turnover in the EU.

  • FCA ESG labels become available

    Sustainability labels as set out in the FCA rules become available for products that invest in accordance with a sustainability objective. Associated disclosure and distribution requirements start to apply.

    In scope: UK fund managers and distributors

  • Final date by which ESOS notification of compliance may be filed

    The Environment Agency stay of enforcement in respect of the Energy Savings Opportunity Scheme phase 3 notification of compliance expires

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • New duty to prevent workplace sexual harassment in force

    The UK Government has introduced a positive duty on employers to prevent workplace sexual harassment, including harassment of staff by third parties.

    In scope: All businesses

  • Possible application of new regulatory framework for Heat Networks

    The UK Government is currently consulting on a market framework for the regulation of heat networks, including general authorisations, zoning and other protections. This is intended to increase the development and up-take of heat networks.

    In scope: All businesses developing real estate in the UK

    Theme: Built environment

  • Loan Market Association published draft provisions for Green Loans

    The LMA launched draft provisions for Green Loans – standardised riders (optimised for insertion into a loan agreement) where green loans are to be advanced as part of a facility.

    In scope: Lenders

  • Deadline for transposition by EU member states of EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wage

    The EU Directive on Adequate Minimum Wage establishes procedures for the adequacy of statutory minimum wages, promotes collective bargaining on wage setting and improves protections for workers who are entitled to a minimum wage under national law

    In scope: All business organisations operating in the EU

    Theme: People

  • ESMA guidelines on fund names

    ESMA guidelines on the use of ESG or sustainability-related terms in funds' names start to apply.  Transitional period for existing funds until 21 May 2025.

    In scope: EU fund managers

  • FCA naming and marketing rules

    Naming and marketing rules (with associated disclosure requirements) as set out in the FCA rules start to apply in relation to non-labelled products with ESG terms.

    In scope: UK fund managers and distributors

  • Original deadline for filing ESOS action plan (extended)

    First ESOS Action Plan, describing energy efficiency measures planned for implementation during the year, to be registered in the MESOS registry – deadline was extended.

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • Parker ethnic diversity target for FTSE 250 in force

    Parker ethnic diversity target for FTSE 250: The target date for companies to meet the Parker Review aim of there being at least one director of colour from a minority ethnic background on each FTSE 250 board by 2024. Listed companies now required to state whether they have met this requirement, by UKLR6.6.6(9).

    In scope: Listed companies – FTSE 250

    Theme: People

  • Financial Services Diversity Framework


    The UK's Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has consulted on a proposed new regulatory framework on diversity and inclusion in the financial sector. Non-financial misconduct will be incorporated into the FCA's Conduct Rules, and such misconduct will be expressly relevant for assessments of fitness and propriety for certified staff and regulatory references. Large firms will also be required to set diversity targets and report annually on certain diversity and inclusion matters.

    In scope: FCA-regulated firms in the financial sector. 

  • Start of first reporting period under CSRD for large EU companies

    01 January 2025 

    Application of CSRD to large EU companies; sustainability reporting in 2026 for FY beginning on or after 01-01-2025

    In scope:

    • Large companies not previously covered by the Non-financial Reporting Directive (ie. any company which is not an SME under the Accounting Directive)

    • In each case, satisfying at least two of the three size criteria

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover of ≥EUR 50m
    • Balance sheet of ≥EUR25m
    • ≥250 employees

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • UK's Future Buildings Standard implemented


    The Future Buildings Standard, which will set out more stringent efficiency standards, to ensure that new non-domestic buildings are zero carbon ready from 2025, is expected to be implemented at some point in 2025 (precise date to be confirmed) for all new non-domestic developments.

    In scope: All businesses developing real estate in the UK

    Theme: Built environment

  • Energy Performance Certificates to be harmonised across EU


    Energy Performance Certificates to be harmonised across the EU, and trigger to obtain a certificate to be extended to include major renovations (in addition to sales and leases).

    In scope: All businesses operating in the EU

    Qualifying condition: Turnover greater than or equal to EUR 150m in the EU

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources,

    Built environment

  • Revised UK Corporate Governance Code

    2025 and 2026

    Revised UK Corporate Governance Code and new accompanying guidance to take effect for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2025, save that the new provision requiring an annual board declaration on the company's risk management and internal control framework will apply for accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January 2026. See our briefing previous briefing for details of the proposed changes.  

    In scope: Companies with a listing on the equity shares (commercial companies) category ("ESCC") of the Official List.

  • Extended deadline for filing ESOS action plan

    Extended deadline by which companies' first ESOS Action Plan, describing energy efficiency measures planned for implementation during the year, must be registered in the MESOS registry

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • Expected date of consultation on UK adoption of ISSB standards

    Quarter 1 2025

    UK Government plans to launch a consultation on adopting ISSB sustainability standards, IFRS S1 and IFRS S2 as UK sustainability reporting standards.

    In scope: All business organisations

  • European Commission to publish list of countries or regions classified as "low" or "high" risk for the purposes of determining the level of due diligence obligations that apply under the Deforestation Regulation.

    Entities placing certain products (raw materials including wood, coffee and soya, as well as finished products such as chocolate and tyres) on the EU market will need to prove that they have conducted appropriate due diligence to ensure that products are "deforestation-free" and produced in compliance with the laws of the country of origin.

    In scope: "Operators" first placing products on the market and "traders" making products available on the market.

    Qualifying conditions:

    • None, although there will be lighter and later obligations for SMEs
  • Failure to prevent fraud – new offence comes into effect under ECCTA

    The new strict liability offence of failing to prevent fraud comes into effect in the UK, under the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023. See our briefing for more details on what is "fraud" for these purposes, who is in scope and how to establish a defence.

    Businesses should note that the new offence sits alongside and overlaps with the existing offence of failure to prevent the facilitation of tax evasion (on which further information can be found here). In relation to tax, it is therefore advisable to ensure that policies and procedures cover both offences and are regularly reviewed. 

    In scope: Large organisations as defined in s201 of ECCTA

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to >£36m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to >£18m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to >250
  • Additional FCA entity-level disclosure requirements start to apply

    Entity-level disclosures including a public report on approach to sustainability-related risks and opportunities.

    In scope: UK fund managers with AUM of £50 billion or more. 

  • Additional FCA on demand information requirements start to apply

    On demand product-level sustainability information requests become available.

    In scope: UK fund managers 

  • First update to ESOS Action Plan to be filed

    First annual update to the phase 3 action plan to be filed in the MESOS registry.

    In scope: All business organisations of a certain size operating in the UK

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Turnover greater than or equal to £50m
    • Balance sheets or assets greater than or equal to £43m
    • Number of employees greater than or equal to 250
  • Board diversity voluntary target

    FTSE Women Leaders report of 2022 recommends that by end of 2025:

    • FTSE 350 boards and leadership teams to have at least 40% women's representation and
    • FTSE 350 companies to have at least one women in the Chair, Senior Independent Director role and/or CEO or FD role. This is now reflected in UKLR6.6.6R(9) which requires a statement in the annual financial report on whether the company has met the targets.

    In scope: Listed companies: FTSE 350

  • Earliest possible date for introduction of ISSB reporting for UK listed companies

    FCA may introduce mandatory reporting by listed companies in accordance with UK sustainability reporting standards based on ISSB standards, for financial years beginning on or after this date.

    In scope: Listed companies

  • Equality reporting requirements


    Large employers will be required to report on ethnicity and disability pay gaps. Large employers will also be required to produce an equality action plan setting out the steps they are taking to reduce their gender pay gap and how they support employees through the menopause.

    In scope: Employers with 250 or more employees.

  • Zero Hours / Casual Worker Contracts


    Zero hours and minimum hours workers will have a new right to be offered a regular hours contract if their working hours regularly exceed the zero/ minimum hour level over a set reference period. There will also be a right to reasonable notice of shifts and compensation if shifts are cancelled or curtailed.

    In scope: All organisations employing workers on zero / minimum hour contracts.

  • Artificial Intelligence – the EU's AI Act


    The European Parliament has approved an AI Act to harmonise AI rules across the EU, which covers AI systems used by employers in the EU. Most of the provisions of the Act are expected to come into force in 2026.

  • Start of first reporting period under CSRD for listed SMEs

    Application of CSRD to listed SMEs; sustainability reporting in 2027 for FY beginning on or after 01 January 2026 but can optionally be postponed for 2 years.

    In scope: Listed SMEs (except micro-enterprises)

    Theme: Sustainable finance and ESG reporting

  • New rules aimed at combatting tax avoidance by umbrella companies

    Agencies or end clients to be made responsible for operating PAYE on workers provided through umbrella companies. TBC but probably through ITEPA and PAYE regulations.

    In scope: All business organisations

  • Pay equality and transparency

    The EU Directive on equal pay and pay transparency introduces various measures to improve equal pay enforcement and transparency. EU member states are required to implement the Directive by 7 June 2026.

    Under the Directive, employers in EU member states with at least 250 employees will be required to publish gender pay gap information annually, and employers with at least 150 employees (dropping to 100 employees from 2030) will have to publish information every 3 years. The Directive also introduces measures relating to pay transparency in recruitment and promotion.

    In scope: Organisations with at least 150 employees

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Number of employees greater than or equal to:
      • 150 (for reporting every three years)
      • 250 (annual reporting)
  • EU board gender diversity requirements apply

    At least 40% of non-executive directors (or 33% of all directors) on the boards of large EU incorporated listed entities to be women, by 30 June 2026.

    Applies where both employee threshold and one of the financial thresholds are met.

    In scope: Large listed companies

    Qualifying condition:

    • Turnover ≥ EUR50m
    • Balance sheet or assets ≥ EUR43m
    • Number of employees ≥250

    Theme: People

  • EU Deforestation Regulation requirements apply to micro and small companies (amended deadline)

    EU Deforestation Regulation applies to micro and small companies – those meeting 2 of the 3 thresholds for turnover, balance sheet or employees (deadline extended from 30 June 2025).

    In scope: Large listed companies

    Qualifying condition:

    • Turnover ≤ EUR10m
    • Balance sheet or assets ≤ EUR5m
    • Number of employees 50
  • EU Regulation on ESG rating activities to apply

    EU Regulation on ESG rating activities to apply with rules on the activities of ESG ratings providers.

    In scope: ESG ratings providers operating in the EU and certain financial entities which disclose ESG ratings in marketing communications.

  • First energy audit requirements apply under the revised EU Energy Efficiency Directive

    EU Energy Efficiency Directive 2023/1791 revises the energy audit requirement (equivalent to UK ESOS) and introduces a requirement for an energy action plan which must be published in the annual report. The new requirements will be prescribed by national Member State law.

    In scope: Businesses with average annual consumption of 10TJ or more over the previous 3 years with operations in EU Member States

  • Additional FCA entity-level disclosure requirements apply.

    Entity-level disclosures including a public report on approach to sustainability related risks and opportunities.

    In scope: UK fund managers with AUM between £5 billion and £50 billion.

  • All rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band C, where cost-effective

    01 January 2027 (TBC)

    Regulations expected to be introduced to provide that all rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band C, where cost-effective. This may involve introducing a performance-based rating scheme for large commercial and industrial buildings to provide investors and their tenants with more information on how to reduce energy consumption and lower both carbon emissions and energy bills.

    In scope: All business organisations

  • EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive starts to apply to certain EU and non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive imposing ESG due diligence requirements on certain EU and non-EU companies

    In scope:

    • "Group 1": Certain of the largest EU companies and groups;

    • "Group 2": Certain of the largest non-EU  companies with turnover  in the EU 

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Group 1
      • Net worldwide turnover greater than EUR 1.5bn
      • Number of employees greater than 5000
    • Group 2
      • Net turnover in EU greater than EUR 1.5bn
      • Number of employees greater than - Group 2: N/A
  • Introduction of EU ban on products made with forced labour

    Businesses placing or making available products on the EU market must ensure they are not made with forced labour. They must be able to demonstrate to competent authorities on request that they have taken appropriate steps to identify, prevent, mitigate or bring to an end the risk of forced labour in their operations and value chain, via due diligence.

    In scope: Economic operators placing or making products available on the EU market

  • Parker ethnic diversity target for senior management of FTSE 350 companies

    The 2023 update report to the Parker review recommends that FTSE 350 companies set a percentage target for senior management positions (for this purpose, members of the executive committee and senior managers who report directly to them) that will be occupied by ethnic minority executives in December 2027.

    In scope: FTSE 350 companies

  • Application of CSRD to non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive to non-EU companies; sustainability reporting in 2029 for FY beginning on or after 01-01-2028.

    In scope: Non-EU companies with significant turnover in the EU

    Qualifying condition: Turnover greater than or equal to EUR 150m in the EU

  • Start of application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive to next group of EU and non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive imposing ESG due diligence requirements on certain EU and non-EU companies.

    In scope:

    • "Group 1": Certain very large EU companies/ groups.

    • "Group 2": Certain very large non-EU companies/ groups 

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Group 1:
      • Net worldwide turnover greater than or equal to EUR 900m
      • Number of employees greater than 3000
    • Group 2:
      • Net turnover in the EU greater than or equal EUR 900m
  • Start of application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive to remaining EU and non-EU companies

    Application of EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive imposing ESG due diligence requirements on certain EU and non-EU companies.

    In scope:

    • "Group 1": Certain very large EU companies/ groups.

    • "Group 2": Certain very large non-EU companies/ groups 

    Qualifying conditions:

    • Group 1
      • Net worldwide turnover greater than or equal to EUR 450m
      • Number of employees greater than 1000
    • Group 2:
      • Net turnover in the EU greater than or equal EUR 450m
  • All rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band B, where cost-effective

    01 January 2030 (TBC)

    Regulations expected to be introduced to provide that all rented non-domestic buildings must achieve EPC Band B, where cost-effective. This may involve introducing a performance-based rating scheme for large commercial and industrial buildings to provide investors and their tenants with more information on how to reduce energy consumption and lower both carbon emissions and energy bills.

    In scope: All business organisations

    Theme: Built environment

  • Energy Performance of Buildings Directive to require new buildings to be zero emission

    EU Commission's proposed revisions to the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) intend to require all new buildings to be zero-emission as of 2030.

    In scope: All business organisations developing real estate in the EU

  • UK Government to introduce due diligence requirements to prevent forests and natural areas from being converted illegally into agricultural land


    UK Government to amend the Environment Act to introduce due diligence requirements for larger businesses to prevent forests and natural areas from being converted illegally into agricultural land.

    In scope: Larger businesses (based on turnover test to be confirmed) – subject to de minimis threshold for volume of commodity used

    Theme: Climate change, environment and resources 

This ESG timeline is for general information purposes only and does not constitute legal or any other type of professional advice. Travers Smith does not accept and, to the extent permitted by law, excludes, liability to any person for any loss which may arise from relying upon, or otherwise using the information contained in, the timeline.

Get in touch

For more information on People issues please contact Adam Wyman.

For more information on Sustainable Finance issues, please contact Tim Lewis, Phil Bartram, Michael Raymond, Simon Witney, or Jonathan Gilmour.

For more information on Environment and Climate issues, please contact Sarah-Jane Denton.

For more information on Tax issues, please contact Madeline Gowlett or Hannah Manning.

For more information on Pensions issues, please contact Susie Daykin.

For more information on Governance issues, please contact Aisling Arthur.

For more information on Real Estate issues, please contact Sarah Walker.

For more information on Competition issues, please contact Stephen Whitfield.

Key contacts

Read Aisling Arthur Profile
Aisling Arthur
Read Susie Daykin Profile
Susie Daykin
Read Sarah-Jane Denton Profile
Sarah-Jane Denton
Read Heather Gagen Profile
Heather  Gagen
Read Jonathan Gilmour Profile
Jonathan Gilmour
Read Tim Lewis Profile
Tim Lewis
Read Neal Watson Profile
Neal  Watson
Read Simon Witney Profile
Simon Witney
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