As you will be aware, changes were announced in the October 2018 Budget to the qualifying conditions for Entrepreneurs' Relief (ER) requiring that, as well as holding 5% of share capital (by nominal value) and 5% of voting rights, an ER shareholder should be entitled to 5% of dividends and proceeds on a winding-up at all times during the relevant holding period (one year until 5 April 2019, two years thereafter).
The way in which the tests were constructed was unhelpful in all but the most straightforward equity structures and had the effect of removing ER for many managers, even where there were circumstances in which they could potentially have a 5% economic interest in equity in a company on an exit event.
The Government has now proposed amendments to the new ER legislation which are designed to address various issues raised during consultation on the changes. The amended legislation creates a new, alternative qualifying test to the dividend/winding up test, which is that in the event of a disposal of the whole of the ordinary share capital of the company, the individual would be beneficially entitled to at least 5% of the proceeds.