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Election 2024 - The Future of UK Employment Law


With the general election now set for 4 July 2024, the main political parties have released their election manifestos. Below we summarise the key pledges of the main political parties relating to employment law and business immigration. 

You can also listen to our podcast series, which compares these pledges in more detail, and download the slides from our recent seminar, Election Special: The Future of UK Employment Law.

Election Manifestos summary

Below we summarise the key pledges of the main political parties relating to employment law and business immigration.

Podcast series: Election 2024 and employment law

We have created a series of four short podcast episodes covering the ways in which the main parties' election pledges might shape the future landscape of employment law.

Episode 1

In the first episode, Head of Department Tim Gilbert and Knowledge Counsel Anna West discuss what the Labour and Conservative parties are proposing on the topics of employment status and worker contracts, and unfair dismissal.

Episode 2

In the second episode, Head of Department Tim Gilbert and Knowledge Counsel Anna West discuss what the Labour and Conservative parties are proposing in relation to pay and sickness, equality issues, family-friendly matters, and flexible working.

Episode 3

In our third episode, Partner Ailie Murray and Knowledge Counsel Adam Rice discuss what the Labour and Conservative parties are proposing in relation to collective matters, including fire and rehire, collective redundancies, and trade unions and collective bargaining.

Episode 4

In the fourth and final episode of our four-episode election series, Partner Ailie Murray and Knowledge Counsel Adam Rice discuss the manifestos of the Liberal Democrats, Green and Reform parties, and how these parties' pledges might impact the landscape of employment law.

Election Special: The Future of UK Employment Law (Seminar)

On Thursday, 20 July, we hosted the seminar, Election Special: The Future of UK Employment Law.

Our slides from the event are available to download below.

Read the PDF of this publication below. Alternatively you can download to print, to save for later or for a different experience.

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Party Manifestos

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