Commercial contracts

Insights for In-house Counsel | Spring 2024

Commercial contracts

Benchmarking clauses: getting the balance right

Benchmarking mechanisms in commercial agreements are intended to help customers to assess whether they are getting a good deal. But both suppliers and customers can sometimes end up feeling that the whole process is more trouble than it's worth. Our briefing looks at how you can strike the right balance.

Liability: a new lease of life for UCTA?

It is relatively rare for contractual limitations of liability to fall foul of the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA) – so you could be forgiven for thinking that businesses don't need to be too concerned about UCTA. But a recent ruling by the Court of Appeal challenges some commonly held assumptions about the legislation and may mean that it becomes more of an issue in future – particularly for suppliers using standard terms. 

As a result, businesses supplying on standard terms may find that customers will be more successful in claims that wide-ranging exclusions of liability are unreasonable under UCTA. It's best to avoid exclusions which are so sweeping that they remove any possibility of a meaningful remedy for serious breaches. Alongside that, suppliers should look to ensure that they always include a free-standing cap on liability – with a view to ensuring that even if certain blanket exclusions are found to be unenforceable under UCTA, the cap should survive (because without the cap, suppliers may face unlimited liability). Read this briefing for more.

Outsourcing Spotlight

The hottest topic in outsourcing is the impact of artificial intelligence. To find out more, take a look at the latest issue of our Outsourcing Spotlight which also considers:

  • Pricing issues in the current high inflation environment;
  • Proposed reforms to UK employment law, including TUPE.

Our outsourcing video series also covers:

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