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Budget Watch 2020

Budget Watch 2020

Real estate

Find out what the Budget means for the real estate sector.

Watch this space

Hannah Manning

"Recent statements from the Government have fuelled speculation that entrepreneur's relief may be reformed or abolished. Will the Chancellor axe the relief entirely or respond to pressure from owner managed and VC-backed businesses to keep it, perhaps in a more targeted form?"

Hannah Manning
Cathryn Vanderspar

Cathryn Vanderspar

"With changes already coming in on taxation of non-resident corporate landlords and a 3% SDLT surcharge mooted for purchases by non-residents of residential property, the real estate industry will be watching carefully to see what other measures could affect it, as the government aims to balance its books, reduce house price costs and speed up home delivery. Mansion tax, progressive CGT and IHT changes have all been floated again, but with a new Chancellor the balls will be back in the air. Hopefully, some of the tax reliefs the industry is seeking elsewhere will be given a fair hearing."

Russell Warren

"The recent government green light for the HS2 project raised interesting climate change questions. Perhaps we could expect to see the Budget addressing these through further environmental taxes."

Russell Warren

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