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Brexit: Useful links
The withdrawal process
Full Text of Article 50 of The Treaty on European Union
The Process for Exiting the European Union – Report of commons exiting the EU Committee (January 2017)
Parliament's Role In Ratifying Treaties – Research note by House of Commons Library (February 2017)
The withdrawal deal
EU negotiating objectives
European Council Negotiating Guidelines (April 2017)
European Commission Draft Negotiating Directives (May 2017)
Negotiating Brexit: The Views of The EU27 (21 March 2018)
European Council (Art. 50) Guidelines on the Framework for the Future EU-UK Relationship (23 March 2018)
Legal challenges
UK Supreme Court Ruling on Parliamentary Authority for Leaving EU - R (on the application of Miller and Others) v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union
Wightman and Others v Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union – Ruling of the Court of Justice of the European Union that Article 50 notice can be revoked unilaterally
UK Supreme Court Ruling on Proroguing Parliament – R (on the application of Miller) v The Prime Minister
Brexit legislation
European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 – Statute authorising the Prime Minister to provide Article 50 Notice to the EU
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018 (aka 'the Great Repeal Bill') – Repeals the European Communities Act 1972, brings all EU laws onto UK statute books and gives ministers powers to make any necessary amendments through secondary legislation (an explanatory article from the Institute for Government can be accessed here)
European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2019 – Provides the legislative framework for the request to extend the Article 50 deadline from 29 March 2019
European Union (Withdrawal) (No2) Act 2019 (aka 'the Benn Act') – Forces the Prime Minister to request an extension to the Article 50 deadline of 31 October 2019 to 31 January 2020 if the Withdrawal Agreement is not passed by 19 October 2019 (an explanatory article from the Institute for Government can be accessed here)
EU (Withdrawal Agreement) Bill – Required to ratify the Withdrawal Agreement agreed between the UK and the EU (an explanatory article from the Institute for Government detailing the key provisions of the Withdrawal Agreement Bill can be accessed here)
Brexit and trade
UK Trade Policy Observatory - Partnership between University of Sussex and Chatham House providing analysis/commentary on trade issues in light of Brexit
The European Economic Area – Briefing paper by the House of Commons Library describing the structure of the EEA and its main features
UK Trade Agreements with non-EU countries in a no-deal Brexit – Guidance note by Department for International Trade (updated October 2019)
No deal Brexit: trade – House of Commons Library Briefing Paper (September 2019)
HMRC impact assessment for the movement of goods if the UK leaves the EU without a deal (7 October 2019)
Future trade deal with the EU
CBI commentary on the UK and EU approaches to future trade (February 2020)
CBI report - explores the role business can play in shaping a successful Europe (January 2020)
Political declaration - setting out the framework for the future relationship between the EU and the UK
Review of the Political Declaration by the Institute for Government, including a comparison against the original Political Declaration agreed by Theresa May in November 2018 (October 2019)
What a Boris Johnson EU-UK Free Trade Agreement means for Business - Analysis by the Centre for European Reform (November 2019)
Post-Brexit Trade Deals: The Norway and Canada Options Explained - Article by Full Fact discussing the key characteristics of Norway-style and Canada-style trade deals (July 2018)
Brexit and transitional arrangements
Implementing the Transition Period – The House of Commons Library (October 2019)
Establishing a business presence in the EU or elsewhere
World Bank Ease of Doing Business Report 2019
EU Exit and Company Law – Guidance on legislative changes to the Companies Act 2006 as a result of a no deal Brexit and the wider impacts to the UK’s accounting and audit regulatory framework by Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (October 2019)
Impact of a no deal Brexit
Operation Yellowhammer – Government’s worst case planning assumptions as at 2 August 2019 for its no-deal Brexit preparations
Possible Impact of a No-Deal Brexit – Research note by House of Commons Library (February 2019)
EU Preparations for a No-Deal Brexit – Research note by House of Commons Library (July 2019)
What would trading on WTO terms in the event of a no-deal Brexit mean for the UK – Note prepared by independent research group the UK in a Changing Europe
No Deal Brexit: Issues, Impacts, Implications – The UK in a Changing Europe (September 2019)
Bailout for Business in a No-Deal Brexit - Report of the Institute for Government exploring the choices that will have to be made in supporting sectors in a damaging no-deal scenario (October 2019)
The UK’s ‘No Deal’ Tarrifs: An Update – Article by the UK Trade Policy Observatory (October 2019)
CBI No deal Preparations Hub – Various free to access materials, including articles, podcasts, AQs and links to other external sources of information