Brexit: 1 year on - Episode 4: Impact on goods

Brexit: 1 year on - Episode 4: Impact on goods


In the fourth episode of the series, Senior Associate Richard Offord talks about the impact of Brexit on goods, following the UK's departure from the Single Market and Customs Union.

The video covers key dates to be aware of, what businesses can do to mitigate against potential risk and disruption, and the longer term impact on goods distribution in the UK.

IMPORTANT: since this video was made, the UK Government announced that the planned introduction of additional border controls scheduled for July 2022 was being postponed and that no further changes would be introduced in 2022.  In our view, it remains likely that additional controls will be introduced at some point, but the announcement suggests the Government is now working towards a target date of the end of 2023.

IMPORTANT: to the best of our knowledge, the information in this video was correct at the time of recording (March 2022) but may be subject to change. For example, note the changes to the timetable for introduction of border controls highlighted in the introductory text above. For more information, see:

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Richard Offord

Brexit: 1 year on

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