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Episode 1 - Naomi Owolabi in conversation with Olive Ahmed

Episode 1 - Naomi Owolabi in conversation with Olive Ahmed


As part of Black History Month 2021, we are pleased to launch a series of podcasts examining themes relating to race, ethnicity and inclusion. Aimed at promoting discussion, we hope you find the series to be thought provoking and informative.

In the first of this series, Naomi Owolabi speaks with Olive Ahmed, Youth Projects Manager at the Wonder Foundation, about their work in supporting and empowering women and girls, role modelling, leadership and much more.

About Olive

Olive has been working in the third sector, with a focus on supporting women and girls for several years. She has a wealth experience in front-line delivery and co-producing projects with young people in the UK and Europe. She is also a writer, who is currently completing her debut novel.


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Black History Month Podcasts

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