The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt across the global business community.


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COVID-19: Liquidity, liquidity, liquidity

Over the last 4 weeks, in the face of COVID-19 the worldwide economy has experienced the sorts of pressures not seen since the Great Depression. Businesses around the world have been forced to close their doors; we have seen government interventions which, only 3 months ago, would have been unthinkable; and terms such as "social distancing" and "furloughing" have become common parlance.

Stamp duty: Temporary COVID-19 procedures

This briefing was updated on 13 May 2020.

HMRC have introduced temporary procedures for the payment of stamp duty on, and the stamping of, stock transfer forms and other instruments of transfer. Under the usual procedure, stock transfer forms are physically stamped using a specialised machine located at one of HMRC's offices.

COVID-19: Regulatory and Government Guidance for UK Aviation and Ports

The COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic has taken a significant toll on both the aviation and maritime sectors. Regulators in both areas have taken measures both voluntarily and involuntarily to try and mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 and have implemented guidance on the implications on both sectors resulting from the dramatic downturn in customer use and restrictions on non-critical trade routes.

Delay to the Off-Payroll reforms – What does it mean for your business?

On 17 March, the Government announced that the changes to the Off-Payroll rules (the 'New Rules'), due to come in on 6 April 2020, would be delayed by one year as part of a package of measures to ease pressure on businesses in light of the coronavirus outbreak. In these challenging times, the news was welcomed by clients and contractors concerned about the financial impact the changes would have on them.

COVID-19: Health and Safety Guidance for Employers, Employees and Businesses

The UK Government has just updated its guidance for Employers, Employees and Businesses on coronavirus (COVID-19). This is aimed at assisting employers and businesses in providing advice to their staff on how to help prevent spread of COVID-19, what to do if someone has symptoms of COVID-19 in a business setting and eligibility for sick pay. Employees are also given guidance on relevant information such as statutory sick pay and absence from work.

COVID-19: Guidance on Critical Workers

The Government has published its list of "key workers" whose work is considered critical to the COVID-19 response. The guidance is directed at schools, childcare providers, colleges and local authorities in England, and is intended to provide clarity, following the widespread closure of schools, as to which workers are considered sufficiently "key" for their children to be afforded continued care at school.

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