The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt across the global business community.


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Asset Manager Checklist: Global Mobility

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic, asset managers have found that many members of their workforce (of varying degrees of seniority) have been working for an extended period from abroad, rather than in the UK office. Post-Covid, some of these individuals have expressed a wish to spend all of their time, or a proportion of their time, working from abroad.

Sanctions Update: is the US 'maximum pressure' approach to sanctions (including against Iran) set to thaw?

In recent weeks, rumours have started to circulate that President Biden's administration is set to depart from the US government's current approach to the use of sanctions. While the administration's review of US sanctions policy remains ongoing, details of a new softer approach, which is expected to be formally outlined when the review is published at the end of the summer, were described by a number of current and former administration officials in a series of high-level meetings held in the US Congress.

Anti-bribery update: SFO enters into £103m DPA with Amec Foster Wheeler

On 1 July, which marks the 10th anniversary of the UK's Bribery Act coming into force, the Serious Fraud Office ("SFO") secured court approval for a Deferred Prosecution Agreement ("DPA") with Amec Foster Wheeler Energy Limited ("AFWEL"). This latest DPA concludes yet another significant multi-year corruption probe and highlights the importance of continued ABC compliance measures for multinational organisations.

Radical prospectus reform: balancing access, agility and protection

Following Brexit and the Hill Review, the Treasury is looking to carry out a radical overhaul of the rules governing public offers of securities and prospectuses in the UK. Even to the staunchest remainer, the proposals appear to remove some of the less logical constraints imposed by the EU Prospectus Regulation, minimising legislation and allowing the FCA freedom to act more nimbly in deciding when a prospectus is actually necessary, and when investors are adequately protected by market information or other means.

Covid Rent Arrears – will the Government's latest proposals work?

On 16 June, the UK Government announced that the existing moratorium on landlords exercising forfeiture for non-payment of rents would be extended to March 2022. At the same time, they announced an extension to the end of September 2021 of the current restriction against the use of statutory demands and/or winding up petitions in respect of arrears of rent, unless those arrears were not as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.

OECD announces agreement on global taxation

The OECD yesterday announced that 130 countries (representing more than 90% of global GDP) have joined a new two pillar plan "to reform international taxation rules and ensure that multinational enterprises pay a fair share of tax wherever they operate". This announcement follows last month's agreement on the issue by the G7 (for more information please click here) and contains further details of the new rules, including setting out an ambitious timetable culminating in implementation in 2023.

Episode 4 - Daniel Gerring in conversation with Katy Hyams and Zoe Burdo

As part of Pride season, we are running a series of short podcasts providing an insight into the lives and experiences of LGBT+ leaders. These exceptional individuals come from a diverse range of backgrounds and will be sharing with listeners their experiences of LGBT+ inclusion in their respective industries, and also some ideas on what more allies can do to promote LGBT+ equality.

UCTA: don't assume it only bites if there's unequal bargaining power

It is sometimes suggested that the courts only intervene based on the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA) where there is inequality of bargaining power. But a recent case provides a reminder that UCTA can also apply where a contractual provision is regarded as particularly destructive of one party's rights – even where there is no obvious imbalance between the parties.

Brexit: UK gets data adequacy decision - but unfinished business remains

In a welcome move, the European Commission has formally approved an adequacy decision for the UK on data protection. However, as we explain below, this may not be the end of the story as regards the post-Brexit treatment of EU personal data – and there is still unfinished business in a number of other important areas beyond data protection.

Episode 3 - Sasha Radoja in conversation with Raymond Yiu

As part of Pride season, we are running a series of short podcasts providing an insight into the lives and experiences of LGBT+ leaders. These exceptional individuals come from a diverse range of backgrounds and will be sharing with listeners their experiences of LGBT+ inclusion in their respective industries, and also some ideas on what more allies can do to promote LGBT+ equality.

UK's Landmark Direct Listing – One Swallow or the Start of Summer?

Earlier this month, the UK's first so-called "direct listing" of a technology company was announced: London-based money transfer Fintech company Wise intends to go public on the LSE's main market without the traditional route of an IPO process. Although the US has seen direct listings of some high profile companies such as Spotify and Slack, this is a significant move for the UK, whose government has been trying to make its markets more attractive for fast-growing tech businesses.

How do you deal with quality in a contract?

Many contracts contain requirements for goods or services to meet certain levels of quality – but it's not always easy to define in precise, easily measurable terms. In this briefing, we look at the lessons that can be drawn from a recent dispute over whether the quality of furniture provided for a hotel was suitable for its upmarket status.

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