Mini Budget 2022 - what are the key announcements for HR?
In today's (23 September 2022) mini-budget what are the key announcements for HR and employment law?
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic continues to be felt across the global business community.
In today's (23 September 2022) mini-budget what are the key announcements for HR and employment law?
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
As part of Bi Visibility Week, we invited Dominic Arnall, CEO of Just Like Us, to participate in a podcast to help raise awareness of the lived experiences of people who identify as bi.
In this video series, our cross-disciplinary team of market-leading experts unpack some of the key ESG issues that corporates and counsel alike will need to be aware of when developing their own sustainability strategies.
Welcome to the fourth episode in our Spotlight on ESG video series.
In its judgment of 10 June 2022, the Court of Appeal upheld the High Court's decision that a €480 million claim against manufacturers of smart card chips ("SCCs") found to have infringed EU competition law was time-barred.[1]
Travers Smith Tax Partners Jessica Kemp and Elena Rowlands, and Knowledge Counsel Laura Hodgson have written an article in the latest edition of Tax Journal, examining the UK implementation of BEPS Pillar Two.
The FCA has now published PS22/9, its policy statement on a new Consumer Duty. This sets out feedback to the December 2021 consultation paper (which we covered in our New Year Briefing), and the final rules. Alongside the new rules, the FCA has also published FG22/5, final non-Handbook Guidance for firms on the Consumer Duty (Finalised Guidance). Potentially, a great many firms will be in scope and this will include some firms which would not consider themselves "retail".
A regular briefing for the alternative asset management industry.
Key employment and business immigration developments for employers.
In an application under the disclosure pilot scheme, the High Court has clarified the circumstances in which a document will be considered to have been "mentioned" in a witness statement and is therefore disclosable under paragraph 21 of Practice Direction 51U (PD51U).
The decision of the Court of Appeal in Barclay-Watt v Alpha Panareti Public Ltd [2022] EWCA Civ 1169 provides a clear articulation of the principles that the Court will apply in determining whether an individual is personally liable for having assisted a tortious act committed by the company of which they are a director.
On 8 July 2022, the Court of Appeal handed down its long-awaited judgment in the Municipio De Mariana group litigation claim, granting permission for some 200,000 Brazilian claimants to pursue in the UK their group action for damages caused by the collapse of the Fundão Dam in Brazil in 2015.