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Strengthening the Financial Promotion Rules Reprised - Cryptoassets

In October 2022, we issued our briefing Strengthening the Financial Promotion Rules | Travers Smith, discussing the FCA's new rules on financial promotions, with a particular focus on the promotion of higher risk investments to retail investors. The FCA indicated at the time that such a category would include cryptoassets; however, at that point the legislation extending the FCA's remit to those financial promotions was not in force.

Tax Journal Article: GE Financial, treaty residence, and the meaning of ‘business’

The Upper Tribunal in GE Financial Investments Ltd v HMRC allowed the taxpayer’s appeal, holding that the treaty’s purpose of preventing double taxation was a key factor in the interpretation of who benefitted from its protections and that HMRC was wrong to suggest that a direct connection to the taxing state was required in addition to worldwide taxation. It upheld the First-tier Tribunal’s decision that the taxpayer did not carry on a business in the US, finding that it was open to the tribunal to come to that conclusion on the basis that the taxpayer was effectively a conduit.

The rapid development of sustainability reporting in the EU and UK

The speed of developments in the world of sustainability reporting over the last 12 months has been unprecedented, and this trend shows no signs of abating. Over the last five weeks alone, two "global baseline" sustainability reporting standards have been adopted and endorsed for use in capital markets, twelve European Sustainability Reporting Standards have been finalised, and the UK has committed to develop "Sustainability Disclosure Standards", based on the international standards, by July 2024.

Philipp v Barclays Bank UK PLC: The "Quincecare" duty survives but the Supreme Court rules that it does not extend to victims of APP fraud

The Supreme Court held that the Quincecare duty does not extend to so-called "authorised push payment" (APP) fraud, whereby the victim is induced by fraudulent means to authorise their bank to send a payment to a bank account controlled by the fraudster. Pursuant to the first principles of banking law, it is a basic duty under a bank's contract with a customer to make payments from the credited account in compliance with the customer's instructions.

International Comparative Legal Guides: Alternative Investment Funds 2023 - Sustainability Transition: Is the Grass Always Greener?

In their expert analysis chapter for the latest edition of the International Comparative Legal Guides for Alternative Investment Funds, Travers Smith Funds Partner Jeremy Elmore and Associate Rory Page discuss the opportunities that effective ESG engagement may provide for asset managers, existing ESG regulations and the basis on which it can provide a competitive advantage to GPs. 

Finsbury Food Group PLC v Axis Corporate Capital UK Limited & Ors – Defendant insurers succeed in the first warranty & indemnity insurance judgment from the Commercial Court

In the first warranty & indemnity insurance ("W&I") claim to be decided by the Commercial Court, the Defendant insurers succeeded on every issue, with the Court finding that there had not been a breach of the relevant warranties and indeed no loss as the buyer would have paid the full purchase price in any event.

What does the Retained EU Law Act mean for Employment?

The Retained EU Law (Revocation and Reform) Act (REUL Act) has recently received Royal Assent. Here we consider the impact of the REUL Act on employment law, including a range of employment rights derived from EU law, and the impact on equality law.

Trendsetting: key developments in ESG for the fashion sector

Major fashion brands are increasingly making efforts to capitalise on growing ESG consciousness by consumers. At the same time however, brands are also aware of activity by regulators and campaigners that seeks to hold businesses accountable for "greenwashing" and human rights risks present in their value chain.

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