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Law Commission Review of the Arbitration Act 1996 | Key Areas of Review and Recommended Change

On 6 September 2023, the Law Commission issued its Final Report and Bill on the proposed amendments to the Arbitration Act 1996 (the "Act"). The Final Report and Bill followed an extensive consultation exercise, during which the Law Commission published two consultation papers and received feedback from over 100 different consultees. The draft Arbitration Bill is now before Parliament and is expected to enter the statute books later this year as the 'Arbitration Act 2024'.

Green claims: prepare for tougher EU rules on promotion of products and services

The EU is pursuing a number of measures intended to combat misleading environmental claims about products and services aimed at consumers. These initiatives underline the need to ensure that the evidential basis for any green claims is robust.

Revised UK Corporate Governance Code: Focus on Internal Controls

Following a lengthy consultation period, the Financial Reporting Council (the "FRC") recently unveiled its revised UK Corporate Governance Code (the "Code"). As expected from its policy statement in November 2023, the FRC has dropped many proposals that were originally floated, in light of both the Government's withdrawal of the Companies (Strategic Report and Directors' Report) Amendment Regulations 2023 and feedback received during the consultation.  As a result, the revised Code is, in the FRC's words, a "limited revision", with the key changes focusing on internal controls.

Employment and Immigration Update - 2024

Welcome to our two-part Employment and Immigration 2024 webinar update. In these videos, knowledge counsel Adam Rice and Anna West, will be discussing various topics, including key cases on discrimination and clash of rights, redundancy, bonus clawback mechanisms, and non-competes, as well as the legal developments in store this year regarding sexual harassment, diversity, flexible working, family friendly rights, holiday and other workers' rights.

Real Estate Tax Checklist - January 2024

Since our last briefing, there have been several significant developments which affect the real estate sector, including amendments to previously announced policies (for example, making "full expensing" permanent) and important international measures coming into effect (such as the "GloBE" rules introducing a global minimum corporate tax rate for large multinational enterprises).

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