Budget resources


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Why are UK businesses restricting deliveries of goods to Northern Ireland?

The story behind the headline...

Since the end of the transition period on 31 December 2020, there have been numerous reports of businesses struggling to deliver goods and even halting deliveries to customers in Northern Ireland. Why is Northern Ireland in this difficult position despite remaining a part of the UK following Brexit? Laura Hodgson, Knowledge Counsel, discusses the newly in force Northern Ireland Protocol, agreed as part of the Withdrawal Agreement in 2019, and the VAT and custom duty charges on goods entering Northern Ireland from other parts of the UK.

Budget 2021: When is a tax rise not a tax rise?

Raising tax and the Triple Lock

With recent press reports that the Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, is going to stick with the Conservative manifesto 'triple lock' pledge you may be wondering how he might raise tax at next month's Budget without actually raising tax rates.

Budget 2020: Entrepreneurs' relief

Pre-Budget rumours of the death of Entrepreneurs' Relief proved to be premature. The relief has survived, but the Chancellor has attempted to balance concerns about the cost of the relief and its effectiveness as an incentive to invest against its value to owner managers of smaller businesses by cutting the lifetime limit for relief from £10 million to £1 million with effect from Budget Day (11 March 2020).

Budget 2020: Climate change

The climate featured heavily in the Chancellor's speech today (11 March 2020) forming part of the government's strategy to create high skill, high wage, low carbon jobs. This all falls under HM Treasury's Net Zero Review which aims to make the UK a net zero emissions economy by 2050.

Budget 2020: Hybrid rules

In the Spring Budget the government announced that it would publish a consultation on the UK's "hybrids" anti-avoidance regime. The consultation was published on 19 March 2020 and looks at three particular areas which have caused real difficulties for investment funds.

Budget 2020: Review of UK's funds regime

The government has announced that it will undertake a wide-ranging review of the UK's funds regime, with a view to examining the case for policy changes in the tax and regulatory framework.

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