Company Share Option Plan (CSOP)
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
Mini Budget 2022
The Chancellor delivered his Autumn Budget on 27 October 2021.
Tax has been very much in the headlines recently. At a domestic level, we even have two new taxes to look forward to next year (being the health and social care levy (see our briefing) and residential property developer tax (RPDT)), whilst, at international level, agreement has been reached on most of the key features of significant two-pillar reform programme for global corporate tax rules (BEPS 2.0) (see our briefing).
With 92 UK REITs already in existence and more anticipated, following extensive industry discussions, the government is keen to ensure that the rules facilitate use of the regime and make it more attractive by removing certain constraints and administrative burdens.
Read the latest on Asset holding companies.
There was good news for landlords recently, as the government announced amendments to Finance Bill 2021 to enable background plant and machinery in leased buildings to qualify for a super-deduction or an SR allowance.