Travers Smith's Alternative and Sustainability Insights

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Travers Smith's Alternative and Sustainability Insights

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Travers Smith's Sustainability Insights: Will Trump 2.0 kill off the Brussels effect?

In 2012, Professor Anu Bradford of Columbia Law School coined the term the "Brussels Effect" to describe the process by which EU regulation has shaped international business norms and driven the Europeanisation of key commercial sectors.  The EU's large single market and propensity to regulate often means it is efficient for businesses to apply European standards internationally.  This phenomenon – similar to its cousin, the "California Effect" – has manifested itself in data privacy, consumer health, and environmental protection standards, among others.  So strong is this effect that Professor Bradford's 2020 book had the playful subtitle, How the European Union Rules the World

But it is now legitimate to ask whether the Brussels effect will survive the new deregulatory era in the United States. 

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