Employment Update - November 2022
Key employment and business immigration developments for employers.
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Key employment and business immigration developments for employers.
With COP27 starting earlier this week, all eyes remain on what progress governments and international organisations are able to make to meet climate critical finance targets. Climate finance is a major issue at COP27, as it has been since developed countries initially agreed to mobilise $100 billion per year at COP15 in 2009 by 2020 (later extended to 2025). However, this annual target has never been met.
The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) is consulting on guidance that would require mid-contract price rises in consumer contracts to be more prominently stated in telecoms advertising. As we explain below, this may also be of interest to other B2C businesses outside the telecoms sector.
In the recent case of Newpier Charity Limited v HMRC [2022] UKFTT 373 (TC), the First-tier Tribunal (FTT) had to decide whether it was obliged to agree to the application by a charity, Newpier Charity Limited (Newpier), for it (the FTT) to require HMRC to close an enquiry into Newpier's tax return.
On 4 November 2022, the Pre-Emption Group published a revised Statement of Principles for the disapplication of pre-emption rights (the "Statement"), together with new template resolutions. The Statement, which has been updated for the first time since 2015, has immediate effect in line with the recommendations of the UK Secondary Capital Raising Review (the "Recommendations") published in July.
The rise in gilt yields following Kwasi Kwarteng's "mini-budget" announced on 23 September 2022 led to the Bank of England stepping in to stabilise the market - primarily to protect UK defined benefit (DB) pension schemes from the impact of the volatility which arose immediately afterwards. Here we outline what happened and some of the potential longer-term impact for schemes pursuing liability-driven investment (LDI) strategies.
The High Court held in Thomas & Ors v Metro Bank [2022] EWHC 2112 (Ch) that a trustee in bankruptcy had waived privilege in certain Russian law legal advice, and the underlying instructions, by summarising the advice in a witness statement written in support of a section 366 Insolvency Act inquiry.
The UK's Prime Minister may have changed but the Growth Plan unveiled in September remains in place - at least for now. Armed with new powers to repeal and replace EU law under the so-called Brexit Freedoms Bill, the Plan appears to envisage an ambitious programme of regulatory reform.
A regular briefing for the alternative asset management industry.
Most businesses would agree that better regulation is a desirable goal – but how do you actually achieve it? In the first of a series of briefings on regulatory reform across a range of different sectors, we look at the implications for business of the UK Government's approach to regulation and how far it is likely to succeed.
In the recent decision of University of Dundee v Chakraborty [2022] EAT 150, the Employment Appeal Tribunal (EAT) considered whether a report, which had at an earlier stage of proceedings been non-privileged, could acquire privileged status following the incorporation of legal advice by solicitors. The case provides a helpful restatement of the rules relating to legal advice and litigation privilege.
COP27 is due to take place in Egypt from 6 to 18 November 2022. The summit comes at a time when there are acute energy issues across the globe, increasing numbers of extreme weather events and worrying data from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("IPCC") which indicates we may not be doing enough to avoid the worst aspects of the climate crisis.
Having previously been expected earlier this year, the FCA has now published its consultation paper on the proposed new sustainability disclosure requirements (SDR) regime and a set of consumer-friendly sustainability labels. This is, in effect, the UK's answer to the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (EU SFDR), although the proposed UK regime goes further in terms of having formal product labels and is bolstered by rules already in force that require many firms to report climate-related risks and opportunities in accordance with the TCFD guidelines (covered in our 2022 New Year Briefing).
On 7 October 2022, President Biden issued an Executive Order (EO) that seeks to address the concerns set out in the Schrems II decision about US intelligence agencies’ access to EU individuals’ personal data. The EO is a significant step towards an EU-U.S. adequacy decision (expected in Spring 2023, if approved by member states) but, if granted, will that adequacy decision be sufficiently robust to withstand a likely legal challenge?
The UK's Subsidy Control Bill received Royal Asset on 28 April 2022 , becoming the Subsidy Control Act 2022 (the "Act"). The new regime will come fully into force on 4 January 2023. The Act has been hailed by the UK Government as a major departure from the EU State aid rules.
This update provides a brief overview of some notable events that have occurred in recent weeks, including the UK Government's increasing ability to target activities considered to be problematic from a circumventing Russian sanctions perspective.
A regular briefing for the alternative asset management industry.
The UK Government is proposing greater regulatory oversight of financial services outsourcings involving "Critical Third Parties" (CTPs). If implemented, these changes will result in CTPs – some of which may not regard themselves as part of the finance sector - being regulated directly by financial services supervisory authorities. This would represent a major shift in approach.