Getting to grips with the myriad of environmental laws and regulations in so many areas, including contaminated land and waste, chemicals and plastics, and air and water quality, is a challenge for any business.
Our knowledge resources reflect the breadth and depth of our expertise, our insight into the issues which matter to your business, and our understanding of the markets in which you operate.
Getting to grips with the myriad of environmental laws and regulations in so many areas, including contaminated land and waste, chemicals and plastics, and air and water quality, is a challenge for any business.
All global economies share an unshakable reliance on natural resources. Global population growth is continuing to drive more intensive industrial and agricultural operations, often in countries with few regulatory checks and balances.
ESG considerations are increasingly a priority for investors, developers, landlords and occupiers.
The UK Bribery Act 2010 introduced a new era of “long arm” legislation targeting the increasingly complex governance and trading operations of corporate groups and their business associates (wherever located).
Respect for human rights as regards workers in the business across all jurisdictions, and those involved in the supply chain, is now a key feature of the UK corporate governance regime, alongside fair treatment of smaller businesses in the supply chain. Companies are more accountable than ever for these issues, both legally and reputationally.
Concerns around climate change, environment and natural resources have never been higher on the legal, political or corporate agenda. Business-as-usual is no longer a viable option.
There are a number of regulatory reporting requirements on businesses operating in the UK which require them to make ESG disclosures (either specifically, or as part of their general disclosure obligations). Additionally, as the sustainability agenda continues to rise in profile and importance, businesses are increasingly opting to make voluntary disclosures, filings or public statements, and we are seeing an increase in the level of detail included in these statements. This is because, as we explain further below, ESG disclosures present businesses with real opportunities to articulate their sustainability agenda and achievements and can assist in mitigating litigation risks faced by a business in respect of climate change and other ESG issues.
Digital nomads are largely tech-savvy professionals who successfully leverage the power of modern technology to forge a mobile lifestyle that combines work and travel.