Our networks

Our networks are fundamental to achieve our vision of creating a fully inclusive workplace.


The networks provide a supportive community and build awareness of diverse attributes to promote inclusiveness by:

  • Providing members with professional development opportunities
  • Connecting to the market and wider community by providing opportunities to engage with our clients and potential clients
  • Working with the firm to ensure inclusive practices are part of our core business
  • Attracting new talent by contributing to the firm's position as an employer of choice
  1. Internal networks
  2. External networks

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Internal networks

We currently have five fully inclusive professional networks, each led by a Partner to provide high level strategic input, connectivity and support:  

REACH (Race Ethnicity And Cultural Heritage) Group

The REACH Group is open to everyone with an interest in issues relating to individuals from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background. Focussing on race and ethnicity, the group aims to build awareness, foster relationships across the firm, share best practice and build links with the wider community (including schools, universities and businesses).


Mohammed Senouci, Partner

Gender balance group

The Gender Balance Group is dedicated to promoting a culture of inclusion and works to inspire change and continual progress in gender equality for all our people, clients and community. The group is fully inclusive and open to all our people.


Genna Marten, Partner

Rachel Smith, Executive chef

LGBT+ Group

The group is an open and inclusive network for members of the LGBT community as well their friends and allies. It provides a welcoming and supportive space for people to discuss issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity.


Daniel Gerring, Partner 

Faith Resources Group

The group acts as a resource and point of contact for information on aspects of faith or religious observance and practice, with the objective of assisting Travers Smith partners, staff and clients to observe their faith in a fulfilling manner.


Jonathan Gilmour, Partner

Enable Group

The Group supports the firm in improving accessibility and promoting greater inclusion for people who may have physical, mental and/or sensory impairments. It also helps raise awareness of the diverse accessibility needs of our people and to help ensure that employees with disabilities are empowered in their identity.


David James, Partner

External networks

We're affiliated with other external networks aimed at promoting a culture of inclusion and mutual respect across the professional services sector.

Aspiring Solicitors

We work with Aspiring Solicitors which is an organisation whose primary purpose is to promote and increase diversity within the legal profession. They provide a free service to their members and aim to provide opportunities and assistance to students which are traditionally underrepresented in law such as students who are black, Asian or minority ethnic; LGBT+; socially mobile or have a disability/long term health condition. For more information please visit their website at https://www.aspiringsolicitors.co.uk/

WorkLife Central (formerly known as City Parents)

We are a corporate member of a network for City professionals who have a shared interest in balancing family life with a progressive career: WorkLife Central


We are members of Stonewall's Diversity Champions Programme, a best practice forum for LGBT inclusion at work. www.stonewall.org.uk


The InterLaw Diversity Forum is aimed at LGBT people working in the legal community. As well as being active participants, we have previously hosted InterLaw events: http://www.interlawdiversityforum.org

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