We simplify that decision by standing alongside our clients and providing strategic advice throughout the entire outsourcing process – not just when they require lawyers to draft and negotiate the outsourcing agreement(s). Our outlook is always long term, maximising the opportunities whilst managing the risks over the full term of the agreement.
Many companies choose outsourcing as a means of managing costs and accessing specialist support. This enables them to invest time and resources in their core offering.
Our advice is always tailored for our clients, often in niche areas, using best practice and solutions we have developed from our cross-sector work. With its roots in our general commercial contracts business, our dedicated Outsourcing team is perfectly positioned to advise on highly complex and ‘bespoke’ outsourcings which do not follow a typical template.
A key quality of the team is our ability to anticipate change on behalf of our clients. We will work with you and develop a deep understanding of your business, your goals, strengths and weaknesses, and do all we can to manage risk within the contractual framework. The team often provides strategic advice at the start of the tender process and in relation to renewals, variations, transitions, exits and disputes.
We are experts in negotiating and dealing with long-term contracts. This gives us a great advantage and provides enormous benefits for our clients. We are used to advising on, and thinking about, the relationship aspects of outsourcing agreements which often last for more than five years and require a different approach and mind-set to ‘future proof’ the relationship.
Our team has significant customer and supply-side experience. As well as advising on a broad range of business process outsourcing and information technology transactions, we have extensive experience of providing strategic legal advice for outsourcing arrangements in many other business sectors including:
- retail and leisure
- pensions
- logistics
- financial services
- infrastructure
Our team works closely with other specialist teams, including Employment, Pensions, Real Estate and Financial Services, where required, as well as our Disputes team, which allows us to provide clients with a seamless offering should issues become contentious.
Finally, for our analysis of key recent outsourcing news and issues, see our regular publication "Outsourcing Spotlight".