Internet & e-commerce

Internet & e-commerce


Our goal is simple. To provide cutting-edge, technically excellent advice and commercially focused support on all of the legal aspects relating to the online sale and delivery of products and services. Our advice is always practical and recognises your primary need to deliver an excellent customer experience.

We advise a broad range of clients on their online presence, from leading high street brands to pure internet-only operators. We recognise that our clients' online interface and digital offering is often their primary means of communication with consumers and so it is critical that it is representative of their brand.

We have wide ranging technical expertise covering contract law, consumer law, data protection compliance, trade mark and brand protection, competition law, advertising law and software licensing. We also have extensive experience of advising many different types of internet-based businesses. This enables us to give advice which doesn't start and finish with legal compliance. Our advice to internet businesses is also focused on being practical, commercially deliverable and cost effective.


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