Because its impact cuts across many areas, we have created a multi-disciplinary team of respective leaders in their field to address Brexit-related concerns. Experienced in advising clients during times of market stress, they will deliver timely and actionable advice to optimise your position.
Our Beyond Brexit Working Group will co-ordinate your instruction, allocating the right expertise to your requirements. No matter where you require advice, the chances are we have already carried out similar work. Here are some of the areas where we can provide specialist advice tailored to your needs:
- Brexit impact assessments: we can help you to carry out a targeted assessment of the impact of Brexit on your business, covering areas such as the imposition of tariffs and non-tariff barriers, contractual issues, changes to legislation, tax, workforce issues, data protection and intellectual property.
- Immigration and employment: we can advise on the rights of EEA nationals to remain in the UK following Brexit, as well as other Brexit-driven impacts on your international workforce.
- Environment and trade regulation: we can advise on the impact of Brexit on chemical registrations under the EU's REACH regime as well as a host of other regulatory and compliance issues resulting from the UK's departure from the EU.
- Financial Services and Markets: we know that due to the highly regulated nature of the financial services industry, Brexit poses particular challenges for financial services firms. We can advise on the post-Brexit regulatory framework and steps that firms should consider taking to find sustainable long-term solutions to the disruption caused by Brexit.
- Products: we can advise on changes to product compliance and labelling requirements and trade routing which may be needed in the post-Brexit world.
- Trade and tariffs: we can advise you on the imposition of tariffs and non-tariff barriers on trade with the EU and third countries following Brexit.
- Contracts: we can advise on amendments to your customer and supply contracts to reflect the consequences of Brexit.
Brexit has exposed many vulnerabilities, some unexpected, in the business model of many companies, both in the UK and overseas. Adapting to the new legal and regulatory framework and the new business and trading environment post-Brexit remains a challenge for many businesses. We will provide you with swift yet robust and practical advice to help you to navigate the post-Brexit world, identify and mitigate your most material risks and exploit opportunities which may be presented by Brexit. Meanwhile, for a range of knowledge resources and up to date news, views and legal updates on post-Brexit related issues, please visit our Beyond Brexit hub.